Framework for Keeping McBride Annex OPEN Presented by Dr. Jennifer Kong
Preamble VSB has an unenviable position and we recognize that. We may be small in number at these meetings, but that does not mean that we do not have the support of our community. –We were informed that big media events or rallies do not play a part in your rational decision making. We welcome and encourage dialogue before, during, and after the “decision.” –Nothing gained by hurling insults at each other. We do not use words like “parsimonious.” –Was that a complement or an insult?
Let’s make a deal We will present our argument in a rational, respectful manner. IF The VSB listens to our constructive feedback, in an unbiased and objective manner AND seriously takes into consideration what we are proposing.
Overview of our presentations tonight Say “NO” to closing McBride Annex because Can’t be “reasonably Accomodated in McBride main Costs do not outweigh Benefits from the VSB’s perspective An abandoned school Has an impact on a Community Proposals for space Sharing and Innovative programs We love McBride Annex Let us show you why
Number of McBride Annex (M.A) and McBride Main (MM) students McBride Main (MM) has 42 extra spaces McBride Annex has 63 students MM can not house all 63 students UNLESS…
“If a limit is placed on accepting cross boundary students and with graduation of Gr 7cross boundary students, additional space should be available by September 2011” P. 83 of the District report NOTE: no other school on the closure list is asking to limit cross-boundary students
What does that mean? Gr 7 graduating will outnumber new students admitted Do these numbers work? ONLY if there is no new community growth –The Century Phase 1 will have 97 units moving in by Sep 2011 with more than170 units to come in the next 5 years. “70% of the units have more than one bedroom” (p.60 of District Report) –“Based on student yield ratios” Reference points are non-comparable –4/5 new developments cited are in the Commercial/Broadway area –Rezoning for laneway housing ONLY if there is no new wave of enrollment –Status of Jr Kindergarten? The word “cross-boundary” is thrown around a lot.
If all current MM & MA students are grandfathered in, why would the students want to redistribute? P84 of the district report
“Grandfathered in” “limit is placed on accepting cross boundary students” From From VS. THE NEW “CROSS BOUNDARY STUDENTS” ARE THE YOUNGER SIBLINGS OF THE “GRAND- FATHERED” MA AND MM STUDENTS!
Parents have a “choice” Choose to have older child stay with friends in MM when MA closes BUT have younger sibling go to their “local” school OR Have older child leave the friends and relationships in MA/MM and start anew with younger sibling in local school “SCHOOL CAN’T ASK THEM TO LEAVE (but we hope that you “choose” to leave so that we have room in MM!)”
Has the VSB ever asked the parents of McBride cross boundary students, “What is it about McBride Annex & Main that is so attractive that you wish to go that extra distance?” Ie- what is it about McBride that makes it so attractive and integral to your child’s success?
Where do we all fit? In Sep 2011, if there are too many students for the number of classrooms in MM, the VSB will have to look at “alternative arrangements”
Oct , Ministry of Education buys 133 Modular classrooms from Shelter Industries For $ each ($28.5 million total) From PORTABLE CLASSROOM MODULAR CLASSROOM OR
Portable vs Modular PORTABLE VSB can use (move) an existing portable –VSB budget IF no portable is available, then they can apply to Ministry for a new MODULAR MODULAR classroom Ministry will pay for new modular IF there is an increase in enrollment TRANSFER OF MA STUDENTS DOES NOT COUNT AS INCREASED ENROLLMENT Since they are students already schooled in an existing facility VSB would have to BUY a modular out of their budget All info quoted from a representative of Capital Planning in the Ministry of Education On Nov 5, 2010
$ For new modular (not incl. Operation costs) $ For keeping McBride Annex OPEN
Summary If MA closes, we can’t fit into MM –Report does not take into consideration: Imminent community growth Enrolment of Jr Kindergarten –Indirect coercion of cross boundary parents –If they plan to use portables (purchased and/or moved with VSB money) instead of keeping MA open
A proposed solution Keep McBride Annex Open for the next 3 years (until 2014/2015) Prove growth in community & enrollment –Over 200 units in the Century will be completed and moved in –Laneway housing will be increasing –Gov’t may make decision on Jr Kindergarten VSB has time to consider our proposals for sharing space and/or innovative programs Fair and compassionate communication with cross-boundary families about changes that will occur within a reasonable time frame VSB can implement strategies to increase enrollment district- wide A new government may increase funding to VSB
SHARE, CARE, PLAY FAIR SHARE: Staff and students will be helpful and respectful to each other. CARE: Staff and students will be concerned for each other's well-being. PLAY FAIR: Staff and students will cooperate in maintaining an orderly environment. Now replace “staff and students” with “School Board Trustees & the community of McBride Annex”