Implementation Challenges with Browser Security IAB Technical Plenary, March 2012, Paris Moderator: Hannes Tschofenig
Background and Motivation You may have noticed the increasing number of data breaches and security incidents. Many reasons for these problems: – misconfiguration, questionable operational practices, implementation bugs, etc. – Most aspects outside the scope of the IETF. To keep up with the changing threat landscape we have a long history in developing security protocols forming the foundation of today’s communication systems. Internet security is a large topic and therefore we have to focus our discussion today on the Web.
"The Web" (aka "the open web platform") is... the interlinked world you experience via your web browser(s) and/or mobile device(s) and their applications. a constantly and rapidly evolving ecosystem … – based on extensible dynamically-configurable foundation: DNS, TLS, HTTP, URIs, HTML, XML/JSON, JavaScript, etc. – with few barriers to experiment openly in the wild – Using self-modifying mobile code with browsers/devices are execution environments, but lack many of the protections that OSs have evolved. the basis for galaxies of non-trivial interlinked web application ecosystems delivering real value. See IAB technical plenary on “Post Standardization” (Prague IETF meeting, March 2011): and
Unfortunately, new exploits for the previously mentioned technologies emerge almost daily.
Key Questions How do we evolve the security characteristics of the web platform such that... – new web platform components can be slid "underneath" existing web apps while minimizing disruption – existing web apps can be smoothly enhanced to take advantage of new secure web platform features – entirely new web apps with better-than-present security characteristics are enabled Experience has shown the transition phase creates problems.
Plenary Agenda Panel members share their experience: – Eric Rescorla (RTFM) – Thomas Lowenthal (Mozilla) – Chris Weber (Casaba Security) – Ian Fette (Google) – Jeff Hodges (PayPal) Questions and feedback from the audience.