Integrated Comprehensive Service Delivery What is ICSD? Where does my school need to start? What are the Year 1 Targets?
We have adopted an Integrated Comprehensive Service Delivery Model Organizes professional staff by the needs of each learner instead of clustering learners by label. Does not assign staff members to a program or place them in separate classrooms. School and community environment is collaborative (general education and exceptional education work collaboratively) MNPS is not going to be fully inclusive. We will provide services to students in the LRE Metro has adopted the Integrated Comprehensive Service Model in order to deliver inclusive services DO NOT READ SLIDE: SAY: (1) Staff is organized by needs as opposed to service/label (Resource/MIS/LS), (2) Staff is not assigned to any specified program or service, General Education and special Education work collaboratively,(3) special education works collaboratively Example: 5th grade math inclusive class-any student regardless of service will attend this class-the 5th grade special educator assigned to this grade level will work collaboratively with ALL teachers to serve ALL 5th grade students regardless of service area.
Year 1 Targets for Schools Goal: June 1, 2010 Collapse separated lunches and related arts-integrate students at grade level. The IEP teams will determine that each student with a disability will spend at least part of each day with students without disabilities. Classrooms serving students with disabilities are located within the buildings on grade-level hallways. Explore ways to utilize both general and special education staff including itinerants, psychologists, custodians, food service etc. to maximize services for every student. Weekly lesson plans should be required of all teachers serving students with disabilities All staff including administrators, school counselors, campus supervisors etc. should be trained in Integrated/Inclusive Service Delivery Administrative walk through/critiques of all classes servicing students with disabilities (co-taught and pull out– all services) one time per nine week grading period (the department will provide a guide). Lockers etc. for students with disabilities are located amongst grade levels with typical peers. Development of the school level teams for sustainability Conduct at least one parent/community meeting per semester to inform parents of the changes in service delivery and include them in the decision making for the changes.
Inclusive Model Most restrictive environment Read and Refer them to the packet-focus on least restrictive to most restrictive Least restrictive environment West Tennessee RISE Project, 2007