Pre-Employment Transition Services New Opportunities MO-CASE 38th Annual Special Education Administrator’s Conference September 28, 2015 Presented by Brenda K. Simmons, MS Director of Transition Services, Vocational Rehabilitation And Robert A. (Bob) Simpson, Ed.S. Project Director, College of Education University of Missouri
Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Assist individuals with disabilities who require VR services, prepare for, retain, regain, or advance in employment. Assist students with disabilities successfully transition from secondary to post-secondary employment, training/education, and independent living. VR
1/6/2011 Once the student has been determined eligible, the VR counselor will work with them to identify an employment goal, and develop an Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE), in coordination with the student’s IEP and Personal Plan of Study, to reach that goal. Some of the services VR may be able to provide include, but are not limited to those listed on the right. Some VR services are also based on financial need. VR Services Career exploration Career counseling Job search activities Job shadowing On-the-job training Internships Apprenticeships Work-Experience (COOP) Résumé development On the job supports Assistive Technology College/Training
WIOA Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Signed into law July 22, 2014 “WIOA is designed to help job seekers access employment, education, training, and support services to succeed in the labor market and to match employers with the skilled workers they need to compete in the global economy.” WIOA is about new opportunities: for more students with disabilities for more impactful services At an earlier age WIOA is about new partnerships: That will enhance post-secondary outcomes That will better prepare youth for todays workforce WIOA Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act With the passage of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), Congress has reauthorized the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (WIA), including the Rehabilitation Act, through 2020. Commenting on the bill’s passage, President Obama stated that the bill “will help workers, including workers with disabilities, access employment, education, jobdriven training, and support services that give them the chance to advance their careers and secure the good jobs of the future.”
WIOA Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act serve more students with disabilities earlier through “Pre-Employment Transition Services” provide more opportunities for students to practice and improve workplace skills promote career pathways and student participation in post- secondary education/training leading to increased employment in “in- demand” occupations and credentialing, skills attainment WIOA Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act With the passage of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), Congress has reauthorized the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (WIA), including the Rehabilitation Act, through 2020. Commenting on the bill’s passage, President Obama stated that the bill “will help workers, including workers with disabilities, access employment, education, jobdriven training, and support services that give them the chance to advance their careers and secure the good jobs of the future.”
Mizzou Ed Provide highly qualified personnel who will work in collaboration with local education agencies and Vocational Rehabilitation, in the provision of pre- employment transition services. Our Purpose
Our Target Mizzou Ed Students with disabilities who are in need of Pre- Employment Transition Services, and enrolled in Missouri public high schools, and have not yet been determined eligible for VR services Our Target
Mizzou Ed More services To more students Earlier Designed to be an early start at job exploration. Will be provided in collaboration with local educational agencies. Schools still required to provide transition services. Trained 21 Regional Pre-Employment Transition Specialists to work directly with students this summer in a “Boot Camp.” Mizzou Ed More services To more students Earlier
Our Services Mizzou Ed 5 Required Areas: Job exploration Work-based learning Counseling for post- secondary education Workplace readiness Instruction in self- advocacy to include peer mentoring Mizzou Ed Our Services VR, in collaboration with the LEA, shall provide for, or arrange for the provision of pre-employment transition services for students with disabilities in need of such services who are eligible or potentially eligible for VR services.
Job Exploration Counseling Required Activity #1 (examples) Job Exploration Counseling Assist the special education teacher(s) Assist the school counselor (s) Input for IEP or 504 plan Input for Personal Plan of Study/Four Year Plans Develop a Missouri Connections account profile to highlight and share student info Use career interest inventories and self- assessments for early career planning Explore jobs/careers in the local community
Work-based Learning Experiences Required Activity #2 (examples) Work-based Learning Experiences Facilitate a job-shadowing day Facilitate a field day to the local career center Counsel students to identify and explore job fields that require apprenticeship training Coordinate mock job interviews Identify and connect students to career tech, School Flex, Pathways to Prosperity, and/or other work-based learning programs that are available to all students. Assist the LEA and VR staff identify work experience opportunities for students in the local community.
Counseling opportunities for post-secondary educational programs Required Activity #3 (examples) Counseling opportunities for post-secondary educational programs Participate in LEA Career and Transition Fairs, FAFSA Frenzy events, etc. Identify accommodations for success in a training or academic setting. Share MO AHEAD resources Assist students and their families in understanding the financial aid process. Educate and inform students: Short and long term post- secondary training programs Local disability support services offices at local colleges Strength based career planning activities. Research degree or credential requirements for jobs within the student's career pathway of interest.
Workplace Readiness Training Required Activity #4 (examples) Identify and measure work readiness skills. Support the student's social connectedness and overall health. Identify ways to engage the student's family as an active and positive partner Connect students with the local career center. Connect students and their families to the local Center for Independent Living. Review and discuss transportation options available for students in getting to and from work. Identify and measure work readiness skills by utilizing a work readiness inventory that will address specific areas through a volunteer or work experience opportunity on-off campus. Support the student's social connectedness and overall health by counseling the student on the importance of participating in school based activities.
Instruction in Self- Advocacy/Peer Mentoring Required Activity #5 (examples) Work with the schools to pair students with a peer mentor. Work with students to practice self-advocacy and skill building through real life activities (i.e. ordering a meal in a restaurant). Counsel students and their families about empowerment through self-determination and self-advocacy. Work with students to identify self-advocacy skills and why they are important. Help students learn how to effectively lead their IEP, 504, other individual planning meetings.
Standing in the gap … Pre-employment Transition Services Voc. Rehab Career Counseling Job Seeking & Placement Vocational Training Pre-employment Transition Services Pre-Employment Counseling Work Based Learning Posy-secondary Counseling Work Place Readiness Self-advocacy Schools Career Awareness Academic Planning
Our Partnerships Mizzou Ed Students Schools Families Businesses Communities DESE-VR DESE – Sp. Ed. DESE – College & Career Readiness Dept. of Mental Health Our Partnerships
Mizzou Ed More supports and services for all students with disabilities Better coordination Enhanced communication Stronger collaboration Increased successful post- school outcomes Our Impact
Be Thinking About Mizzou Ed How can we work with special education? How can we work with general education? What programs/services do you provide that we might work in collaboration? What are your needs for kids? What do we need to be mindful of in working with your staff, students, parents? Mizzou Ed Be Thinking About
Contact Us For More Information Bob Simpson, Ed.S. Project Director 2 London Hall Columbia, MO 65211 573-356-1682 Brenda Simmons, MS Director, Transition 3024 Dupont Circle Jefferson City, MO 65109 573-751-3251 or 417-629-3067 The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, or disability in its programs and activities. Inquiries related to Department programs and to the location of services, activities, and facilities that are accessible by persons with disabilities may be directed to the Jefferson State Office Building, Office of the General Counsel, Coordinator – Civil Rights Compliance (Title VI/Title IX/504/ADA/Age Act), 6th Floor, 205 Jefferson Street, P.O. Box 480, Jefferson City, MO 65102- 0480; telephone number 573-526-4757 or TTY 800-735-2966; email