City Places and Vocab By: Alex S., Bridget M., and Callan M. Period: 3
Why do we need to know this??? To know the names of general businesses – Bank – Laundromat – Post office – Etc. To know what can be done at said businesses To get around the city using French words It will most likely be on the final CUZ ITS COOL
“City Places” Vocab. Une banque - bank Une brasserie - café/resteraunt Un cybercafé - cyber café Une mairie - city hall Une papeterie - stationary store Une bijouterie - jewelry store Un commissariat de police - police station Un marchant de jourraux - newsstand Une laverie - laundromat Une boutique - boutique, store Un salon de beauté - beauty salon
“What one might do at the Places” Vocab. Poster une lettre – to mail a letter Déposer de l’argent – to deposit money Retirer de l’argent – to withdraw money Faire la queue – to wait in line Remplir un fomulaire - to fill out a form Signer – to sign
Other terms relating to “City Places” Vocab. Une adresse – address Une boite aux lettres – mailbox Une carte postale – postcard Un colis – package Le courrier – mail Une enveloppe – envelope Un facteur – mailman Un timbre – stamp Avoir un compte bancaire – to have a bank account Emprunter – to borrow Payer par carte (de crédit) – to pay by credit card Payer en liquide – to pay in cash Payer par cheque – to pay by check Les billets – bills, notes Un compte-cheques – checking account Un compte d’épargne – savings account Une dépense – expenditure, expense Un distributeur – ATM Les pieces de monnaie – coins De la monnaie – change Fermé – closed Ouvert - open
Let’s Match Stuff!!!! Rules: Look at the picture Match it to the French vocab word Try it without your vocab sheet! – (if you still need it that’s okay) Please raise your hand
? ? ? A.Un cybercafé B.Une laverie C.Une banque D.Une brasserie
???????? A.Une banque B.Un marchand de journaux C.Une mairie D.Une laverie
FINAL ROUND A.Une papeterie B.Un salon de beauté C.Une brasserie D.Une boutique
Now for some healthy competition! RULES ARE FUN! 1.You’re gonna be in groups that we will organize in a second 2.GRAB A MINI WHITEBOARD 3.Once you have your clipboard and are in your seat… 1.We are going to tell you a place from the vocab 2.With your group, create a sentence describing what one would do at said place 3.NO VOCAB SHEETS BC THAT’S CHEATING. 4.The first group to hold up their whiteboard WITH THE CORRECT ANSWER will get 1 point!!! 5.After 6 rounds, the group with the most points wins a f abulous prize ! !
ACTIVITIES 1.City Vocab crossword 2.Vocab matching 3.HAVE FUN Ask questions if you have any
Homework Assignment Worksheet #1: &matching=on&mult_choice=on&tf=on&pro mpt-with=1&limit=50 &matching=on&mult_choice=on&tf=on&pro mpt-with=1&limit=50 Worksheet #2: flash-cards/ flash-cards/ – Write down both of the links and print it out or do it online