IAAA Inha Amateur Astronomical Association Cosmology 인하대학교 별지기 4 기 연세대학교 천문우주학과 김명진 2006 년 2 학기 별지기 세미나
IAAA Inha Amateur Astronomical Association Contents Historical Background 2006 Novel Prize CMB?! A map of the Universe 2006 년 2 학기 별지기 세미나
IAAA Inha Amateur Astronomical Association 2006 년 2 학기 별지기 세미나 Historical Background
IAAA Inha Amateur Astronomical Association 현대 우주론의 태동 아인슈타인의 상대성 이론 + 허블의 우주의 팽창 관측 = 현대 우주론의 탄생 빅뱅 ( 대폭발 ) 우주론 + 급팽창 이론 + 양자역학적 우주 기원론 = 현대 우주론 2006 년 2 학기 별지기 세미나
IAAA Inha Amateur Astronomical Association 2006 년 2 학기 별지기 세미나
IAAA Inha Amateur Astronomical Association 2006 년 2 학기 별지기 세미나 Edwin Hubble 윌슨산 100 인치 망원경 사용 안드로메다 은하까지의 거리 결정 -- > 섬우주 우주의 팽창을 관측적으로 증명 ( 외부은하의 적색이동 이용 ) 허블의 은하분류법
IAAA Inha Amateur Astronomical Association 2006 년 2 학기 별지기 세미나 안드로메다 은하까지의 거리
IAAA Inha Amateur Astronomical Association 2006 년 2 학기 별지기 세미나
IAAA Inha Amateur Astronomical Association 2006 년 2 학기 별지기 세미나 Novel Prize
IAAA Inha Amateur Astronomical Association 2006 년 2 학기 별지기 세미나 “for their discovery of the blackbody form and anisotropy of the cosmic microwave background radiation”
IAAA Inha Amateur Astronomical Association 2006 년 2 학기 별지기 세미나 Before the Discovery
IAAA Inha Amateur Astronomical Association 2006 년 2 학기 별지기 세미나 The Discovery
IAAA Inha Amateur Astronomical Association 2006 년 2 학기 별지기 세미나
IAAA Inha Amateur Astronomical Association 2006 년 2 학기 별지기 세미나 Why send telescopes into space?
IAAA Inha Amateur Astronomical Association 2006 년 2 학기 별지기 세미나 Where does CMB come from?
IAAA Inha Amateur Astronomical Association 2006 년 2 학기 별지기 세미나
IAAA Inha Amateur Astronomical Association 2006 년 2 학기 별지기 세미나 CMB Anisotropy from COBE
IAAA Inha Amateur Astronomical Association 2006 년 2 학기 별지기 세미나 CMB Power Spectrum
IAAA Inha Amateur Astronomical Association 2006 년 2 학기 별지기 세미나 Fourier Transform (Quick Introduction)
IAAA Inha Amateur Astronomical Association 2006 년 2 학기 별지기 세미나 Fourier Transform (Quick Introduction)
IAAA Inha Amateur Astronomical Association 2006 년 2 학기 별지기 세미나 Statistical Description of Anisotropies
IAAA Inha Amateur Astronomical Association 2006 년 2 학기 별지기 세미나 In late 1960s, P. J. E. Peebles realized that the early universe would have contained sound waves When radiation was still trapped by matter, the tightly coupled system of photons, electrons and protons behaved as a single gas Then a small disturbance in gas density would have propagated as a sound wave
IAAA Inha Amateur Astronomical Association 2006 년 2 학기 별지기 세미나
IAAA Inha Amateur Astronomical Association 2006 년 2 학기 별지기 세미나 Because inflation produced the density disturbances all at once in essentially the first moment of creation, the phase of all the sound waves were synchronized The sound waves in the early universe was oscillating in time instead of space In this analogy the length of the pipe represent the finite duration when sound waves traveled through the primordial plasma Overtones add richness to the sound i.e. cause small scale fluctuations
IAAA Inha Amateur Astronomical Association 2006 년 2 학기 별지기 세미나 CMB Power Spectrum The greatest variations at about one degree (l = 220) This peak is evidence of the fundamental wave The subsequent peaks represent the temperature variations caused by the overtones
IAAA Inha Amateur Astronomical Association 2006 년 2 학기 별지기 세미나 Analogous to Sound Waves
IAAA Inha Amateur Astronomical Association 2006 년 2 학기 별지기 세미나 CMB Power Spectrum The greatest variations at about one degree (l = 220) This peak is evidence of the fundamental wave The subsequent peaks represent the temperature variations caused by the overtones The series of peaks strongly supports the theory that inflation triggered all the sound waves at the same time Sharp drop-off after third peak sound waves with short wavelengths dissipate
IAAA Inha Amateur Astronomical Association 2006 년 2 학기 별지기 세미나 Baryons and Dark matter in the early universe Both of them supply mass to the primordial gas and enhance the gravitational pull, but only ordinary matter undergoes the sonic compressions and rarefactions At first overtone, gravity is attempting to compress the plasma while gas pressure is trying to expand it. This effect explains why the second peak is lower than the first By measuring the ratios of the heights of the first three peaks, the density of cold dark matter has been determined
IAAA Inha Amateur Astronomical Association 2006 년 2 학기 별지기 세미나 Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation CMB is the remnant heat left over from the Big Bang Evidence for that early universe was smaller, denser and hotter than present Now it is observed as 2.7°K microwave radiation The temperature is almost uniform over the full sky and it is a sign that it comes from a simpler past But it has fluctuations in the level which is called ‘CMB anisotropy’ CMB anisotropy holds the key to understanding the origin of structure in the universe : how the primordial plasma evolved into galaxies, stars and planets
IAAA Inha Amateur Astronomical Association 2006 년 2 학기 별지기 세미나 A map of the Universe
IAAA Inha Amateur Astronomical Association 2006 년 2 학기 별지기 세미나 Millennium Simulation
IAAA Inha Amateur Astronomical Association 2006 년 2 학기 별지기 세미나 Millennium Simulation A 3-dimensional visualization of the Millennium Simulation. The movie shows a journey through the simulated universe. On the way, we visit a rich cluster of galaxies and fly around it. During the two minutes of the movie, we travel a distance for which light would need more than 2.4 billion years.
IAAA Inha Amateur Astronomical Association 2006 년 2 학기 별지기 세미나 A map of the Universe
Thank you for listening!!! Any questions are invited also ^^ 경주 첨성대 – photo by 井 IAAA Inha Amateur Astronomical Association 2006 년 2 학기 별지기 세미나