Informational Presentation-Part One BTHS “Untethered” Project (Small Group) Presentation and Cut Sheet (50-point writing-presentation grade) Now that you are getting ready to graduate, you’ve been asked by the school to make a recommendation to revolutionize wireless communication capabilities on the BTHS campus in support of all the Chromebooks and devices carried by students. You love your new wireless devices and their multimedia capabilities, and think they would be a great enhancement to the educational environment of the school. However, the current network has insufficient bandwidth and security. You’ve heard rumors about a next generation wireless capability that will have even more possibilities for education than today’s wireless devices and network. Find out what is possible, when it’s available, how much it will cost, how long it will take to implement, how many resources it will require, and why we should do it. Wed-Thurs, Oct. 8-9, 2014
Informational Presentation-Part One BTHS “Untethered” Project (Small Group) Presentation and Cut Sheet (50-point writing-presentation grade) Step 1: You research the subject of wireless for education using the Internet, trade journals, vendor websites, and government organizations (FCC, CCITT). You will determine what is possible and in what timeframe (over the next two years). Step 2: You incorporate this information into a preso and technical “cut sheet” (no more than two, glossy, color pages) for the MCVSD District IT Group that explains the technical highlights and benefits of the new wireless for the school and the district. You must also address security issues, as this will be a major concern of the IT Group. You will observe the principles of technical writing, page layout, and document design, as discussed in class. Step 3: You will then present to the IT Group, using appropriate media and distributing the cut sheet. Tues-Thurs, Mar 18-20, 2014
Informational Presentation-Part One BTHS “Untethered” Project (Small Group) Presentation and Cut Sheet (50-point writing-presentation grade) Tues-Thurs, Mar 18-20, 2014 Team Assignments Sword: David and Liam (Present 11/3) Juno: Amanda and Vineeth (Present 11/3) Omaha: Matt and Wil (Present 11/3) Gold: Marida and Andrew (Present 11/5) Utah: Jayme and Anshul (Present 11/5)
Informational Presentation-Part One BTHS “Untethered” Project (Small Group) Presentation and Cut Sheet (50-point writing-presentation grade) Tues-Thurs, Mar 18-20, 2014
Informational/Persuasive Presentation Untethered Project (Part I) PowerPoint & Cut Sheet (Technical) (50-point writing-presentation grade)
Writing a Technical Manual or Cut Sheet for a Technology-based Subject While doing research to create a technical manual or cut sheet, students should think about the following questions: Who is our target audience? What does our audience NEED from our document? Where do they need the information to be available? How can we achieve our purpose and our goals? Example of Bell Labs Briefing Center brochure and cut sheet, Circa 2004 Be sure to keep these questions in mind as you research the topic: While researching the subject, gather information from a variety of sources, including, but not limited to Internet, print documents, personal observations, and personal interviews. After research has been completed, small groups should organize research according to categories. Each student in the group should be assigned one or two categories/sub categories to develop into the manual or cut sheet rough draft, to include text and visual aids Group members will correct errors and make necessary changes. With changes made, the manual/cut sheet should be designed for readability and understanding. The layout and copy design may be created using either a word processing or publishing software. After each group’s finished work is injected into the layout and copy design, the manual/cut sheet should be copy edited, prepped for print, and distributed.