Holy Mass
SANCTIFICATION You Shall Make and Keep Yourselves Holy, Because I am Holy Lev 11:44a
Why do we celebrate Mass? Jesus Told Us To! Luke 22:19 1 Cor 11:24
The Mass is the MOST powerful means we have to obtain propitiation for sin. God’s mercy makes reparation for the want of divine love God’s mercy removes the guilt of repented venial sins God’s mercy remits more or less of the punishment still due Our punishment and the Holy Souls Servant of God John A. Hardon S.J. Pocket Catholic Catechism 1989
What do we do at Holy Mass? Give glory to God Be penitent Hear the LOGOS Say what we believe Ask God for help Offer God gifts Re-create His Passion/Sacrifice Have a Sacred Meal Receive Grace Handout
Who is present at Holy Mass?
TRINITY Blessed Mother, 9 Choirs of Angels, St Joseph Adam & Eve, Moses, Patriarchs, David, Moses Holy Apostles (Peter) Disciples Holy Martyrs Holy Doctors Holy Monks Holy Nuns Penitents Anchorets Pontiffs Cardinals Priests Monks Nuns Laity
The Disputation of the Sacrament Raphael
~ St. Thomas Aquinas “The celebration of Holy Mass is as valuable as the death of Jesus on the cross.”
~ St. Leonard of Port Maurice “What graces, gifts and virtues the Holy Mass calls down…the grace of final perseverance, upon which depends our salvation”
“For each Mass we hear with devotion, Our Lord sends a saint to comfort us at death.” Revelation of Christ to St. Gertrude the Great
Don’t Waste Grace from Mass! Yourself Others Souls in Purgatory