Danger Awareness and Response Brian Landers
What you should get out of this training? You are an animal, act like one! Instincts! Instincts! Instincts! Have a plan and follow it.
You are an animal…..
Animals….. Assess threats Scan their environments Rely on instincts React to situations Flee before fight Fight with ferocity
Threat Assessment Learned/Social BehaviorSurvival Behavior Be nice to strangersDon’t trust strangers Dependency on safetyResponsibility of safety Assumption of surroundingsSuspicion of surroundings Being politeDon’t show weakness Instincts ignoredInstincts followed
Environment Scanning
Environment You don’t always get to pick and choose the safety of your environment. Other people (animals) can make your environment unsafe. All environments offer an escape path, know it before you go in it. (Drive around block, rear exit of grocery store, Google maps, etc). KNOW YOUR ENVIRONMENT!
Instincts Instincts are our animalistic warnings coming out in us. We ignore instincts for fear of embarrassment, job performance, reputation, personal goals. We need to trust our fear!!!! “Fear is mother nature’s way of saying….Be Careful!”
Examples of Using Instincts Seeing strange person in vicinity and alerting security/police. Unknown car in parking lot and getting escort out or calling security/police. Observing abandoned backpack in odd location and isolating it. Leaving store or mall when instincts tell you to.
React to Situations Scanning, assessing, and using fear to guide you does no good if you fail to react. Develop a plan, a plan with OPTIONS. Role play. Enact plan. Do you have a tornado drill? Do you have a fire drill? Who conducts them? Plans them? Tells YOU what to do?
Stats Tornado: 1:60,000 Fire: 1:113,686 Murder: 1: 16,326 Violent crime at work: 1:200 Victim of crime: 1:16 Home/business targeted: 1:6
React to situations You are responsible for your own safety! The deer in the woods does not rely on the bears, wolves, raccoons, and birds for their safety. Having a plan with options is better than working under stress. Scenario: New car, ignition.
Evacuation? Field evacuation: Phone a supervisor and seek permission to be replaced or reschedule. Temporary Disengagement: Go out to the car, restroom, lobby. Collect your thoughts and analyze situation. Building Evacuation: It is unsafe = get out. Avoid “ target rich ” environment. Use resources. (Weapons, breaking windows, first aid, alarming others)
How to plan Research people, places, things. Analyze your environments. Visualize your options under stress. Know company policies. Practice at home, work, play. Code words.
Personal planning Make decisions in advance of situation. “If he does this…. I do that”. Don’t look like a victim, walk with a purpose. Stay off phone!!!!!! Keep hands free (don’t carry items). Constantly scan. Make eye contact and smile.
“Soft” Disengagement Find a way to excuse yourself from the environment without losing face for you and your agency. Don ’ t make matters worse for the “ next guy ”. End on the best terms possible. No task or assignment is worth your life! Determine police response.
Flee before fight Know Thyself! “ He who knows when he can fight and when he cannot will be victorious. ” - SUN TZU- Art of War. People are born fighters, our society has conditioned us to resist natural urges and tendencies. Nike defense….
Run like hell!
Fight with ferocity May be literally fighting for your life. Target eyes, throat, groin. Yell, scream, kick, bite, stab. DO NOT GO to second location. Use makeshift weapons. Realize you may be punched, choked, stabbed, and shot.
After events…. Get to safe location. Call police, stay on line with dispatcher. Self treat wounds (equipment, training?) Try to keep others away from dangerous location/person (if possible). Collect thoughts, calm yourself. Try to remember details.
Legal Justification Wisconsin Law : Self defense is authorized when one reasonable feels that their person is being threatened illegally. The extent of force used must only be that to prevent or terminate the threat.
Legal Justification Deadly Force may only be used when there is an “ imminent threat ” against one ’ s life. Castle Doctrine- home, car, work.
Self Defense Can you be armed? Wisconsin conceal carry requires training and issuance of a CCW permit. Concealed Weapons: Knives, guns, tasers, other devices. (Deadly weapons) Pepper spray is not a deadly weapon.
Self Defense Tasers: Civilian versions. OC (Pepper spray). Must be pepper spray, no chemical agent. Max concentration is 5%. No concealed container (clearly marked). May not be used unlawfully.
Self defense…firearms Think before you buy/carry a firearm. You then bring a gun into every encounter. What happens when you pull out gun? What happens if you miss? What happens if shots don’t stop? What happens if your gun is now going to be used against you?
Self Defense Wisconsin Self Defense Laws are defenses to criminal prosecution. You may still be open to civil liability. Main focus will be on the your perceived threat vs. the amount of force used.
Conclusion Questions…Comments? Brian Landers