Introducing SNAP GUIDES
Bringing together 2 worlds of experience SNAP Guides are a “Hybrid” Media combining a Magazine and a Directory. Resulting from a joint venture between the publishing leaders of both:
It is a Magazine & Guide Consumer Research indicates the population does most of it’s research surrounding “Life Events”: Marriage The birth of a child The investment in a home This research involves consulting experts both in: “How to do it” and “Who” will do it best
1 Source for all the answers… It’s a “SNAP” Editorial Section HOW TO DO IT? Articles compiled and edited by the expertise found in the leading consumer publications STYLE at HOME and DECORMAG (more than 310,000 monthly subscribers and more than 2,725,000 monthly readership Directory Section WHO CAN DO IT? The walking fingers logo provides the re-assurance to the consumers of the quality of the businesses listed and the accuracy of the information required to contact them
SNAP Guides Inc. is a division of Yellow Pages Group Dedicated to publishing and promoting Snap Guides Strategic partnership with Transcontinental Media, which is acting as the editorial content provider SNAP PUBLICATIONS
Transcontinental Media Canada’s largest publisher of consumer magazines Canada’s 4th largest print media group Canada’s largest door-to-door distributor of advertising material Magazines read by over 11 million readers per month Coast-to-coast coverage in both French and English Annual revenues of over $500 million Close to 2800 employees Leading English Titles: Leading French Titles: Canadian Living Decormag Style at Home Coup de Pouce Elle Les Affaires
Introducing Your Style at Home Special Issue Home Improvement Resource Guide Publishing Feb 2006 Toronto Montreal Annual Publication
Style at Home – Fast Facts Published Target Readership* Distribution Circulation** Newsstand Cover Price Editorial Profile *PMB 2004 – English 12+ ** ABC – June times a year + 2 special Interest publications Women 25-54, HHI $50M+ 1,852,000 National English 227,131 National Paid Circulation $4.95 Canada’s Magazine of Stylish Living Launched 1997
Decormag- Fast Facts Published Target Readership* Distribution Circulation** Newsstand Cover Price Editorial Profile *PMB 2004 – English 12+ ** ABC – June times a year + 2 special Interest publications Women 25-54, HHI $50M+ 877,000 French Quebec 85,643 Paid Circulation $3.75 Quebec’s Magazine of Stylish Living
Why the Home Market?
The Toronto Home Improvement Market: Already Huge. -Home renovation expenditures in the Greater Toronto Area reached $4.1 Billion in Source: Greater Toronto Home Builders’ Association And still growing. -Ontario home renovation spending is expected to grow By a further 5.1% throughout Source: Home Builder Canada-Renovation Outlook, November 2004
The Montreal Home Improvement Market: Already huge. - Home renovation expenditures in the Greater Montreal Area reached an estimated $9.5 billion in 2004 And still growing. -Growth of a further 8.5% is expected throughout 2005, Bringing in a total spending to an estimated $10.3 Billion -Source: Home Builder Canada- Renovation Outlook, November 2004
Imagine a media targeting exactly the consumers advertisers want to reach… Intentions to Renovate are High among Toronto homeowners. -26% of homeowners are ready to renovate within the next 12 months, while another 10% of homeowners are thinking about renovating within the next 12 months. -These Toronto homeowners plan to spend an average of $21,800 on their renovation in % of them plan to spend more than $10, Source: Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, Consumer Intentions to buy or renovate a home, February 2005.
Imagine a media targeting exactly the consumers advertisers want to reach Intentions to Renovate are High among Montreal Homeowners. - 30% of homeowners are ready to renovate within the next 12 months, while another 8% of homeowners are thinking about renovating within the next 12 months. - These Montreal homeowners plan to spend an average of $8,250 on their renovation in % of them plan to spend more than $10,000. Source: Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, Consumer Intentions to buy or renovate a home, February 2005.
And reaching them very early in their purchasing process
Home improvement represents a large amount of risk, both personal and financial. To make the home improvement process less stressful, consumers need education, reassurance and references Homeowners who are ready to renovate feel vulnerable and are looking for very specific information: Focus Groups conducted to test this product concept demonstrated that it will have unique value as an information resource for consumers embarking on a home improvement project
A Unique Resource for Home Renovations (& great opportunity for all of us) The only product that combines reference information with a Resource guide, all under one cover Practical, useful information for the home renovation consumer, from Start to end of their project Repeat usage at each stage of the home project Retained as a valuable resource for future projects.
Rona HGTV “How to” Magazines Ideas & Information “Dream” Magazines Organized Information paired with specialized resources Home Improvement Special Issue Advertising: intrusive or upon request Home Digest Flyers Directory Resource: Organized, complete Nbhd Dirs Bldr’s Ass’n Lists YPG Dirs Home Show Reference Quality (Practical Content) Resource Quality (Perception of Completeness & Navigability) High Level View of How Home Improvement Special Issue Fits with the Rest of the Products in the Marketplace
The Product
Product Details- Content 2 Main Sections: 1.Reference section, supplied by Style at Home Magazine. Approximately 100 pages long. Practical information to inform and educate the consumer embarking on a home improvement project Checklists How-to’s Tips Calendars Comparison charts 2.Resource section, supplied by Yellow Pages Group. Approximately 200 pages long. Directory of suppliers of the consumer home improvement market, organized into categories and headings
Organized & Easy to Use Categories. Both sections are organized into 8 subject categories. In the Resource (directory) section, categories will be further broken down into headings. Colour Coding. Each category is colour coded and thumb-nailed along page edges for easy navigation. The cover will also introduce a colour coded “menu” of the categories. Tab. A tab separates the two sections. Cross Referencing. Subject matter in each section will frequently be referenced to related subject matter in the complementary section to ensure a rich user experience. Quick Finder Index (Resource section). Will direct users to the correct category and heading for different business types. Additional Navigational Aids. A detailed Table of Contents and Introductory pages will highlight features.
Opportunity for Advertisers in a wide range of industries
Product Details- Dimensions & Specs Dimensions: 7 7/8 x 10 ¾ inches Paper Stock: Cover: 9 point C1S (Coated 1 side) Reference Section: 45 lb glossy Resource Section: 40 lb equal offset Tab: 7 point C2S (coated 2 sides)
Leveraging 2 Strong Brands -The Style at Home and Yellow Pages Logos will both appear prominently on the cover of the Home Improvement Issue -Combined with effective targeted distribution to the right households, the presence of these 2 key brands will ensure that the Home Improvement Issue attracts the attention of the customers you want!
Targeted Distribution will ensure advertisers reach high potential customers Total Distribution in the Greater Toronto Area – 210,000 Total Distribution in the Montreal Area – 160,000 Delivery will be free to selected households which are most likely to be active home renovators The Home Improvement Issue will be delivered free directly to the doorstep of the targeted single family dwellings most likely to spend at least $10,000 on a home improvement project The following methodologies will be used in combination: - Addressed mail to selected Style at Home subscribers - Door-to-door delivery by target FSA (apartment dwellers will be excluded) - Approximate Readership excessive of 3 Million Will also be distributed at various trade shows
Style At Home – Reader Profile
Decormag- Reader Profile
Rate Sheet Note: All items are process colour except for S2HS which is Black Rate includes advertising bundle