CANADA Natalie Grymová, XA
Basic facts the capitol city – Ottawa people the official languages – English and French the large cities – Montreal, Calgary, Toronto, Vancouver the Canada's flag – consists of a red, 11 – pointed maple leaf the national symbols – maple leaf and beaver
Land and climate 10 provinces, 3 territories the second largest mountains in the west – the Coast Mountains, the Rocky Mountains five Great Lakes rivers – the St. Lawrence river, the Mackenzie river, the Fraser river Niagara falls the highest mountain – Mount Logan (6 050 m.) in St. Elias Mountains cold climate
Government constitutional monarchy, in practice a parliamentary democracy with a federal system head of state – Queen of the United Kingdom, in practice Governor General performs all functions in the Queen‘s absent prime minister; legislature – parliament of two houses – Senate, House of Commons
History 985 – Viking 1497 – John Cabot sailed to Newfoundland in 18 th century – war between France and England in Canada → Canada became a British colony 1931 – full independence 1965 – Canada got their typical flag with the maple leaf
Environment untouched nature lots of national parks large forests, big mountains, clear lakes moose, caribou, grizzly bear, polar bear beaver – national symbol
Sport winter sports ice – hockey – national sport lacross Olympic games in Vancouver in 2010
Places of interest Niagara falls: – more than 50 meters high – more than one kilometer long – on borders with the USA Toronto: – CN Tower with 553 meters – Hockey Hall of Fame Newfoundland and Labrador: – more than 70 parks and natural areas – Viking village Vancouver: – the Olympic Stadium (2010)