Tech Integration What it is – What it isn’t
Jennifer Hand Library Media Specialist Instructional Technologist Technology Educator This presentation can be found at under Conference Information>Presenter Handouts Additional resources listed on the last slide of this presentation.
What it is…
"Effective integration of technology is achieved when students are able to select technology tools to help them obtain information in a timely manner, analyze and synthesize the information, and present it professionally. The technology should become an integral part of how the classroom functions -- as accessible as all other classroom tools.” -- NATIONAL EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY STANDARDS FOR STUDENTS, INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR TECHNOLOGY IN EDUCATION (ISTE)
Students print out a worksheet, finish it, turn it in. Students take a quiz using a Google form. Students write an essay, create an audio recording of essay. Present to audience. Create a documentary video answering an essential question. Teams collaborate on project.
Levels of Tech Integration into the Curriculum Technology Integration into the Curriculum Entry: Teacher begins to use technology tools to deliver curriculum content to students Transformation: The teacher encourages the innovative use of technology tools. Technology tools are used to facilitate higher order learning activities. Learning EnvironmentStudent Active Students are actively engaged in using technology as a tool rather than passively receiving information from the technology. Student receives information from source. Drill and Practice activities. Setting is direct instruction and individual seat work. Students have options on how and why to use different technology tools, and often extend the use of tools in unconventional ways. The technology tools become an invisible part of the learning. The teacher serves as a guide, mentor, and model in the use of technology. The arrangement of the setting is flexible and varied, allowing different kinds of self-directed learning activities supported by various technologies, including robust access to online resources for all students simultaneously. Adapted from The Technology Integration Matrix (TIM) produced by the Florida Center for Instructional Technology
Technology Integration into the Curriculum Entry: Teacher begins to use technology tools to deliver curriculum content to students Transformation: The teacher encourages the innovative use of technology tools. Technology tools are used to facilitate higher order learning activities. Learning EnvironmentStudent Collaborative Students use technology tools to collaborate with others rather than work individually. Students work alone when using technology. Students may collaborate without using technology tools. Setting is direct instruction and individual seat work. Students regularly use technology tools for collaboration, to work with peers and experts irrespective of time zone or physical distances. The teacher seeks partnerships outside of the setting to allow students to access experts and peers in other locations Levels of Tech Integration into the Curriculum Adapted from The Technology Integration Matrix (TIM) produced by the Florida Center for Instructional Technology
Technology Integration into the Curriculum Entry: Teacher begins to use technology tools to deliver curriculum content to students Transformation: The teacher encourages the innovative use of technology tools. Technology tools are used to facilitate higher order learning activities. Learning EnvironmentStudent Constructive Students use technology tools to connect new information to prior knowledge rather than passively receive information. Students receive information from the teacher via technology. The setting is arranged so that all students can view the teacher's presentation. Students use technology to construct and share knowledge in ways that may have been impossible without technology. The teacher encourages students to explore the use of technology tools in unconventional ways and to use the full capacity of multiple tools in order to build knowledge. Levels of Tech Integration into the Curriculum Adapted from The Technology Integration Matrix (TIM) produced by the Florida Center for Instructional Technology
Technology Integration into the Curriculum Entry: Teacher begins to use technology tools to deliver curriculum content to students Transformation: The teacher encourages the innovative use of technology tools. Technology tools are used to facilitate higher order learning activities. Learning EnvironmentStudent Authentic Students use tech tools to link learning activities to the world beyond the classroom. Students use technology to complete assigned activities that are generally unrelated to the world beyond the instructional setting. Resources available via technology in the instructional setting include primarily textbook supplementary material and reference books or websites, such as encyclopedias. Students explore and extend the use of technology tools to participate in projects and higher order learning activities that have meaning outside of school. The teacher encourages innovative use of technology tools in higher order learning activities that support connections to the lives of the students and the world beyond the instructional setting. Levels of Tech Integration into the Curriculum Adapted from The Technology Integration Matrix (TIM) produced by the Florida Center for Instructional Technology
Technology Integration into the Curriculum Entry: Teacher begins to use technology tools to deliver curriculum content to students Transformation: The teacher encourages the innovative use of technology tools. Technology tools are used to facilitate higher order learning activities. Learning EnvironmentStudent Goal Directed Students use technology tools to set goals, plan activities, monitor progress and evaluate results. Students receive directions, guidance, and/or feedback via technology. The teacher uses technology to give students directions and monitor step-by-step completion of tasks. The teacher monitors the students' progress and sets goals for each student. Students are empowered to extend the use of technology tools and have greater ownership and responsibility for learning. The teacher creates a rich learning environment in which students regularly engage in higher order planning activities that may have been impossible to achieve without technology. Levels of Tech Integration into the Curriculum Adapted from The Technology Integration Matrix (TIM) produced by the Florida Center for Instructional Technology
What it isn’t… Rick McKee, The Augusta Chronicle
Technology Integration isn’t… Using technology when it does not enrich or extend student learning Example: putting a worksheet on the computer instead of paper Using technology tools because they are “shiny” or “cool” rather than tied to curriculum objectives When technology is the focus and separate from the content. Handing a computer to a student and assuming they know how to research effectively and create authentic products because they are “digital natives”. The same for every learner. Differentiation still needs to happen – even when using technology
So where to begin?
Save/ShareCollaborationCreation Communication Choose One of Each to Start Choose One of Each to Start Choose a place for students to save their work. Preferably to a cloud storage. Choose a program for students to use as they collaborate on projects for the class. This should have a web based option so that they can collaborate outside of school. You can choose multiple ways for students to show their mastery through creative software. If you are new to tech integration, choose one to start with and build from there. Determine how you want to communicate with your students at school and beyond. Set parameters for communicating and expectations.
Save/Share Google Classroom Google Drive Microsoft OneDrive Dropbox Idrive Box
Collaboration Collaborize Classroom Edmodo Microsoft OneNote Evernote Google Docs
Creation PowerPoint oint.aspx?ui=en-US Google Slides ut/ Prezi Keynote / Videopad pad/ Audacity acity/ Pixton erview Penzu
Communication (various) ePals Skype Remind
Resources/Links for More Information The Technology Integration Matrix: Edutopia: Educational Technology and Mobile Learning: Common Sense Graphite: ISTE: