Spanish input to the HEP European strategy update Marcos Cerrada XL Int. Meeting on Fund. Physics (IMFP2012) Benasque, june 1 st.


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Presentation transcript:

Spanish input to the HEP European strategy update Marcos Cerrada XL Int. Meeting on Fund. Physics (IMFP2012) Benasque, june 1 st

The strategy update process, launched by the CERN Council, is requiring input from communities, and funding agencies, of all countries. recommended to do it in a coordinated way CPAN assuming the responsibility of coordinating the submission of the Spanish input to the ESPG is a natural choice (discussed and decided during the CPAN-CEC meeting in february 2012). The Spanish HEP Program Manager has given full support to this decision. A document including the spanish community views on the update of the European HEP strategy should be ellaborated and submitted to the ESPG before July 31 (2012)

Working Groups (as proposed by the ESPG) Physics at High Energy Frontier (J. Cuevas and J. Terrón) Strong Intraction Physics (J. Cuevas and J. Terrón) Astroparticle Physics, Gravitation and Cosmology (J. Cortina, I. Gil Botella) Physics of Neutrinos (J. Cortina, I. Gil Botella) Flavour Physics (A. Pich) Accelerator Physics (M. Cerrada) Particle Physics Theory (D. Espriu and M. Asorey) General Infrastructure and Facilities Organizational Structure issues (CERN, National Laboratories, European participation in global projects, EU-related issues …) Knowledge and Technology Transfer Outreach and education General comments …

National Networks (Redes temáticas) Red temática del LHC (discussion on wednesday evening) Red temática del LC (will meet today, and by end of june 2012) Red temática de Flavour Physics (Flavour Workshop IMFP) Red temática de Astropartículas (RENATA) (had a meeting in april 2012) (additional discussions in a subgroup about neutrino physics are taking place) Red temática de Física Nuclear (they have their own roadmap ready) Portal del Grupo de Física Teórica (discussion on wednesday evening)

Spanish members of the ESG Carlos Pajares Spanish Delegation at the CERN Council Cayetano López CIEMAT DG member of the European Nat. Labs Committee

From European Strategy in The LhC will be the energy frontier machine for the foreseeable future, maintaining European leadership in the field; the highest priority is to fully exploit the physics potential of the LHC, resources for completion of the initial programme have to be secured such that machine and experiments can operate optimally at their design performance … General agreement from all these groups in that, today, such an statement remains essentially valid. There has been, from the beginning, an important contribution from the spanish community to the LHC project, ATLAS: IFAE, IFIC, UAM CMS: CIEMAT, IFCA, UAM, UO LHCb: UB, USC, URL ALICE: CIEMAT, USC

From European Strategy in A subsequent major luminosity upgrade (SLHC), motivated by physics results and operation experience, will be enabled by focused R&D; to this end, R&D for machine and detectors has to be vigorously pursued now and centrally organized towards a luminosity upgrade by around The actual LHC schedule, and the input from physics results still to come, should be taken into account when reformulating this Statement. Most of the spanish groups involved in LHC experiments have been also working in preparing for LHC upgrade.

From European Strategy in It is fundamental to complement the results of the LHC with measurements at a linear collider. In the energy range of 0,5 to 1 TeV, the ILC, based on superconducting technology will provide a unique scientific opportunity at the precision frontier; there should be a strong well coordinated European activity, including CERN, through the Global Design Effort, for its design and technical preparation towards the construction decision, to be ready for a new assesment by Council around There has been a high level of coordination at the spanish level regarding R&D activities for future colliders. Managed through a national network, this effort has allowed to make significant contributions in complementary aspects like detector, accelerator and physics studies. As an outcome, the international visibilty of the spanish participation in this field has been important.

Detector R&D Coordination Accelerator R&D Coordination

From European Strategy in In order to be in position to push the energy and luminosity frontier even further it is vital to strenghten the advanced accelerator R&D programme; a coordinated programme should be intensified, to develop the CLIC technology and high performance magnets for future accelerators … The field of accelerator physics in our country has made a significant progress during the last decade. Groups at CIEMAT, IFIC, UPC ALBA Synchrotron ESS Project … Participation in European projects: EuCARD, TIARA, …

From European Strategy in Studies of the scientific case for future neutrino facilities and the R&D into associated technologies are required to be in a position to define the optimal neutrino programme based on the information available in around 2012; Council will play an active role in promoting a coordinated European participation in a global neutrino program. 7. A range of very important non-accelerator experiments take place at the overlap between particle and astroparticle physics exploring otherwise inaccesible phenomena; Council will seek to work with ApPEC to develop a coordinated strategy in these areas of mutual interest.

TeV Gamma RaysMAGIC CTA High energy neutrinosANTARESKM3NeT High energy cosmic rays AUGERnext generation ground-based JEM-Euso Cosmic rays at the ISSAMS Neutrinos with acceleratorsT2K Neutrinos with reactors Double Chooz Neutrino-less double beta decay NEXT Low energy astroph. Neutrinos and p decayLAGUNA Dark MatterROSEBUD ArDM CDMS ANAIS EURECA CAST upgrade Dark EnergyPAU Big BossLSST DES DESpecEUCLID Gravitational Waves Advanced VIRGOEinstein Telescope Advanced LIGO NGO GEO-HF - ASPERA roadmap is a necessary reference - LSC (Canfranc) is a National Lab List of experiments, or projects, with spanish “participation” (no ranking is made) Experiments already existing Medium scale project or upgrades Large or very large scale (not yet started) Colour codes

From European Strategy in Flavour physics and precision measurements at the high-luminosity frontier at lower energies complement our understanding of particle physics and allow for a more accurate interpretation of the results at the high energy frontier; these should be led by national or regional collaborations, and the participation of European laboratories and Institutes should be promoted. 9. A variety of important research lines are at the interface between particle and nuclear physics requiring dedicated experiments; Council will seek to work with NuPECC in areas of mutual interest, and maintain the capability to perform fixed target experiments at CERN. 10. European theoretical physics has played a crucial role in shaping and consolidating the Standard Model and in formulating possible scenarios for future discoveries. Strong theoretical research and close collaboration with experimentalists are essential to the advancement of particle physics and to take full advantage of experimental progress; the forthcoming LHC results will open new opportunities for theoretical developments, and create new needs for thoretical calculations which should be widely supported.

SUMMARY The process of preparing a document with the Spanish views about the HEP European Strategy update has already started and is being organized by CPAN.