Te Pas et al Additional File 3 Detailed graphical representation of the main pathway results
Explanation to read the Figures 1.Circles – denote genes with data on the microarray 2.Boxes – indicate regulated processes / other pathways 3.Colour code No colour: no up or down regulation Green: up regulation Red: down regulation Blue: probably regulated, direction uncertain ExperimentsContent Exp 1Line A: infected versus control Exp 2Line B: infected versus control Exp 3Line A versus Line B: control Exp 4Line A versus Line B: infected
Adherens junction Line differences reaction to Salmonella Exp 1: line A Exp 2: line B
Adherens junction Line differences control / infected Exp 3: control Exp 4: infected
Adipocytokine signaling Line differences reaction to Salmonella Exp 1: line A Exp 2: line B
Adipocytokine signaling Line differences control / infected Exp 3: control Exp 4: infected
Aminosugars metabolism Line differences reaction to Salmonella Exp 1: line A Exp 2: line B
Aminosugars metabolism Line differences control / infected Exp 3: control Exp 4: infected
Androgen and Estrogen metabolism Line differences reaction to Salmonella Exp 1: line A Exp 2: line B
Androgen and Estrogen metabolism Line differences control / infected Exp 3: control Exp 4: infected
Apoptosis Line differences reaction to Salmonella Exp 1: line A Exp 2: line B
Apoptosis Line differences control / infected Exp 3: control Exp 4: infected
Beta-Alanine metabolism Line differences reaction to Salmonella Exp 1: line A Exp 2: line B
Beta-Alanine metabolism Line differences control / infected Exp 3: control Exp 4: infected
Arachidonic acid metabolism Line differences reaction to Salmonella Exp 1: line A Exp 2: line B
Arachidonic acid metabolism Line differences control / infected Exp 3: control Exp 4: infected
Axon guidance Line differences reaction to Salmonella Exp 1: line A Exp 2: line B
Axon guidance Line differences control / infected Exp 3: control Exp 4: infected
B cell receptor signaling Line differences reaction to Salmonella Exp 1: line A Exp 2: line B
B cell receptor signaling Line differences control / infected Exp 3: control Exp 4: infected
Benzoate degradation via CoA ligation Line differences reaction to Salmonella Exp 1: line A Exp 2: line B
Benzoate degradation via CoA ligation Line differences control / infected Exp 3: control Exp 4: infected
Bile acid biosynthesis Line differences reaction to Salmonella Exp 1: line A Exp 2: line B
Bile acid biosynthesis Line differences control / infected Exp 3: control Exp 4: infected
Caprolactam degradation Line differences reaction to Salmonella Exp 1: line A Exp 2: line B
Caprolactam degradation Line differences control / infected Exp 3: control Exp 4: infected
Cell adhesion molecules Line differences reaction to Salmonella Exp 1: line A Exp 2: line B
Cell adhesion molecules Line differences control / infected Exp 3: control Exp 4: infected
Cell communication / Cell junction Line differences reaction to Salmonella Exp 1: line A Exp 2: line B
Cell communication / Cell junction Line differences control / infected Exp 3: control Exp 4: infected
Circadian rhythm Line differences reaction to Salmonella Exp 1: line A Exp 2: line B
Circadian rhythm Line differences control / infected Exp 3: control Exp 4: infected
Complement and Coagulation cascades Line differences reaction to Salmonella Exp 1: line A Exp 2: line B
Complement and Coagulation cascades Line differences control / infected Exp 3: control Exp 4: infected
Cytokine-cytokine receptor interaction Line differences reaction to Salmonella Exp 1: line A Exp 2: line B
Cytokine-cytokine receptor interaction Line differences control / infected Exp 3: control Exp 4: infected
Dorso-ventral axis formation Line differences reaction to Salmonella Exp 1: line A Exp 2: line B
Dorso-ventral axis formation Line differences control / infected Exp 3: control Exp 4: infected
Fatty acid metabolism Line differences reaction to Salmonella Exp 1: line A Exp 2: line B
Fatty acid metabolism Line differences control / infected Exp 3: control Exp 4: infected
Focal adhesion Line differences reaction to Salmonella Exp 1: line A Exp 2: line B
Focal adhesion Line differences control / infected Exp 3: control Exp 4: infected
Gap junction Line differences reaction to Salmonella Exp 1: line A Exp 2: line B
Gap junction Line differences control / infected Exp 3: control Exp 4: infected
Glutatione metabolism Line differences reaction to Salmonella Exp 1: line A Exp 2: line B
Glutatione metabolism Line differences control / infected Exp 3: control Exp 4: infected
Glycerolipid metabolism Line differences reaction to Salmonella Exp 1: line A Exp 2: line B
Glycerolipid metabolism Line differences control / infected Exp 3: control Exp 4: infected
Gly, Ser, Thr metabolism Line differences reaction to Salmonella Exp 1: line A Exp 2: line B
Gly, Ser, Thr metabolism Line differences control / infected Exp 3: control Exp 4: infected
Insulin signaling Line differences reaction to Salmonella Exp 1: line A Exp 2: line B
Insulin signaling Line differences control / infected Exp 3: control Exp 4: infected
JAK-STAT signaling Line differences reaction to Salmonella Exp 1: line A Exp 2: line B
JAK-STAT signaling Line differences control / infected Exp 3: control Exp 4: infected
Leukocyte transendothelial migration Line differences reaction to Salmonella Exp 1: line A Exp 2: line B
Leukocyte transendothelial migration Line differences control / infected Exp 3: control Exp 4: infected
Long-term depression Line differences reaction to Salmonella Exp 1: line A Exp 2: line B
Long-term depression Line differences control / infected Exp 3: control Exp 4: infected
Long-term potentiation Line differences reaction to Salmonella Exp 1: line A Exp 2: line B
Long-term potentiation Line differences control / infected Exp 3: control Exp 4: infected
MAPK signaling Line differences reaction to Salmonella Exp 1: line A Exp 2: line B
MAPK signaling Line differences control / infected Exp 3: control Exp 4: infected
Metabolism of Xenobiotics by cytochrome P450 Line differences reaction to Salmonella Exp 1: line A Exp 2: line B
Metabolism of Xenobiotics by cytochrome P450 Line differences control / infected Exp 3: control Exp 4: infected
Natural killer cell mediated cytotoxicity Line differences reaction to Salmonella Exp 1: line A Exp 2: line B
Natural killer cell mediated cytotoxicity Line differences control / infected Exp 3: control Exp 4: infected
N-glycan biosynthesis Line differences reaction to Salmonella Exp 1: line A Exp 2: line B
N-glycan biosynthesis Line differences control / infected Exp 3: control Exp 4: infected
Pantothenate and CoA biosynthesis Line differences reaction to Salmonella Exp 1: line A Exp 2: line B
Pantothenate and CoA biosynthesis Line differences control / infected Exp 3: control Exp 4: infected
Pentose phosphate pathway Line differences reaction to Salmonella Exp 1: line A Exp 2: line B
Pentose phosphate pathway Line differences control / infected Exp 3: control Exp 4: infected
Proteasome Line differences reaction to Salmonella Exp 1: line A Exp 2: line B
Proteasome Line differences control / infected Exp 3: control Exp 4: infected
Purine metabolism Line differences reaction to Salmonella Exp 1: line A Exp 2: line B
Purine metabolism Line differences control / infected Exp 3: control Exp 4: infected
Regulation of actin cytoskeleton Line differences reaction to Salmonella Exp 1: line A Exp 2: line B
Regulation of actin cytoskeleton Line differences control / infected Exp 3: control Exp 4: infected
T cell receptor signaling Line differences reaction to Salmonella Exp 1: line A Exp 2: line B
T cell receptor signaling Line differences control / infected Exp 3: control Exp 4: infected
TGF-beta signaling Line differences reaction to Salmonella Exp 1: line A Exp 2: line B
TGF-beta signaling Line differences control / infected Exp 3: control Exp 4: infected
Tight junction Line differences reaction to Salmonella Exp 1: line A Exp 2: line B
Tight junction Line differences control / infected Exp 3: control Exp 4: infected
Val, Leu and Ile degradation Line differences reaction to Salmonella Exp 1: line A Exp 2: line B
Val, Leu and Ile degradation Line differences control / infected Exp 3: control Exp 4: infected
WNT signaling Line differences reaction to Salmonella Exp 1: line A Exp 2: line B
WNT signaling Line differences control / infected Exp 3: control Exp 4: infected