Milestones & Deliverables fist reporting period (June 2010)
What has been done so far Our website is up and running Our Internal Meetings this is our IM3 (IM1 – kick off in February, IM2 – Internet-conference in May) after each IM we issue IM minutes Our Newsletter we give the progress update and share the news in our Newsletter it is published about 2 times a year → Our Deliverables within WP1 (Development of the methodology) we submitted to EC two deliverables: Overview of the relevant literature (M6) and Description of the modelling methodology (M9) →
What we are doing WP2: Data collection and analysis Task 2.1 – Russian regional data all Russian partners submit the data (summer 2009) CEFIR assembles the database (September-November 2009) Task 2.2 – Analysis of Russian regional data ZEW (?) develops the methodology for the assessment of data quality (November-December 2009) according to this methodology partners evaluate the data quality on seven Federal Districts of RF (January 2010) and then write reports (March 2010) IET – Central and South Districts VSU – North-Western District USU – Ural and Volga Federal Districts FECED – Far East and Siberian Districts Task 2.3 – Build a SUST-RUS model database with description CEFIR builds a model with description based on other partners’ reports (March 2010) WP2 Deliverables (M15 – March 2010) D2.1 – Description of the constructed database (CEFIR) D2.2 – The database for the model (CEFIR)
What we are doing WP3: General structure of the model Task 3.1 – Mathematical formulation of the general model structure Task 3.2 – Model building Task 3.3 – Construction of the model parameters Task 3.4 – Calibration of the model TML - model code (December 2009) TML - plugs in data (results form WP2 - team leader CEFIR) (December 2009) TML - sends results to other teams (January 2010) other teams - results assessment (February 2010) other teams - scenario formulation (December 2009 – February 2010) WP3 Deliverables (M18 – June 2010) Preliminary results are presented at the seminar in April D3 – Description of the general structure of the SUST-RUS model (TML)
What we are doing WP4: Sustainability indicators Task 4.1 – Literature review of sustainability indicators Task 4.2 – Construction of the set of the social indicators Task 4.3 – Construction of the set of the economic indicators Task 4.4 – Construction of the set of the environmental indicators Task 4.5 – Development of the policy assessment framework WP4 leader → TML other partners → form up a list of indicators that regional authorities are using (well-defined in terms of the model output)(March 2010) TML → makes the framework for indicators, chooses indicators (April 2010) WP4 Deliverables (M18 – June 2010) D4 – Description of a set of sustainability indicators for the SUST-RUS model (TML)
Save the date Our next internal meeting (IM4) and an academic seminar in Ekaterinburg April 23-24, 2010, Ekaterinburg – interregional conference “Economical development in the modern world: sustainable development and ways of after-crises growth” → SUST-RUS round table April 25 (or 26?), 2010, Ekaterinburg – IM4: Discussion and Presentation of results of WP2, WP3 and WP4 IM4: Tentative agenda Progress on data collection in WP2 and on model structuring in WP3 and WP4 Presentation of D2 (Description of the constructed database), CEFIR Action plan and discussion of deliverables D3 and D4 due in June 2010 (ZEW, TML) June 2010 – end of the 1 st reporting period within 40 days after the first reporting period we will have to submit the Report to the European Commission
Plans for the future Plan of SUST-RUS IMs and public seminars in brief: IM1 – February 2009, Moscow IM2 – May 2009, Internet-conference IM3 – October 2009, Moscow IM4 + Public Seminar – April 2010, Ekaterinburg IM5 – October 2010, Moscow (?) IM6+ Public Seminar – April 2011, Vladivostok (?) SUST-RUS Conference – October 2011, Moscow Milestones & Deliverables List in detail is presented in: Annex I – Description of Work stages stages Project Presentation →