Global Advocacy Sub Group Session 1 – Resource Mobilization & National Advocacy Session 2 – Civil Society/ TB Affected Community Session 3 – Media, Messaging & Events Session 4 – Supporting other working groups and initiatives Session 5 – Putting it all together
Actions (session 1) Develop a website "Centre for Resource Mobilization" as an active product/tool to promote coordination, leverage synergies and monitor additional opportunities for RM (global and country level). –Form taskforce to lead design process – with input/agreement of Core group. –Develop a dissemination plan – to highlighting the tool and new messages Develop strategies to target 2-3 new and additional donors Review of TB Financing – develop annual messaging
Actions (session 1) Prioritize the development of national and regional partnerships; mandate to Taskforce the documentation of best practice Develop mechanisms and linkages between among the national and regional Partnerships network to exchange expertise/experience and best practice.
Actions (session 2) Civil Society/TB Affected Community Involvement (Stikkers, Perez, Thorn) Provide a list of experts in RM that communities to link to. Mainstreaming "patient" activities" Translate "overcoming tuberculosis" into 6 languages (NS) Link medical questions to KNCV doctor (BS).
Actions (session 2) 1.Increase domestic resource mobilization: building awareness and messages (NGO workshops and dialogues) to support PACCS in creating demand and outrage: –CS and RM: Develop a mechanism to generate demand and build capacity to apply for grants at country level. –Develop a better mechanism to link civil society into global advocacy targets. –Attaining effective TB representation in CCMs in all countries, prioritizing high-burden countries
Actions (session 2) 1.Advocacy training focused on country level political analysis, advocacy and lobby. 2.Develop the tools to promote the linkage between TB control and Health System strengthening
Action (session 2) patient-led resources 1.Patient led taskforce: mainstreaming patient perspective, integrate it into all areas of acsm and other working groups. Retain the patient-led taskforce for the immediate future, stimulate it to make explicit its value-added in mainstreaming patient perspectives. 2.Capacity building at individual levels, cultivate TB champions 3.Encourage and stimulate development of patient support activities – but ensure this is done from the perspective that there need to be an independant voice.
Action (session 2) patient led resources 1.Develop and publish relevant self-help and informative publications that are “really useful”to people with TB/MDR-TB 2.Use individual mentoring as an approach to capacity building of individual patient advocates: avoiding dependance on Stop TB Partnership 3.Encourage dissemination of patient charter – through all means 4.Improve accessibility of patient information – translation into official languages/access to Drs.
Actions (session 3) Media and Events Expand the membership base of the Media and Events Taskforce. Adopted (enthusiastically) World TB Day theme; Agreed 18 th March 2008 for WTB Day observation. Called for effective, wide and timely dissemination of information. Implement a Calendar of "target activities" for 2008, linked to specific issues (GDF, Research). Develop a programme of NGO/Civil Society workshops on TB- HIV etc – awareness raising. Develop a programme of "national and regional" dialogues Resolve technical communications issues (people connector etc) to ensure communications flow between WG members. Strengthening media capacity and coordination
CALENDAR 2008 (session 3) December 2007 World AIDS Day World Bank Launch January 2008AU Summit Davos Figo February 2008 DRS Report North American Union - Stop TB USA March 2008World TB Day, Surveillance International Women's Day April 2008UNAIDS PCB TB Vaccines of the World Coordinating Board Global Fund Board XDR TB Taskforce Spring Meetings - WB IMF May 2008 WHA June 2008UNGASS
2008 continued (session 3) July 2008G8 August 2008IAS September 2008OECD/DAC - Health Regional Committees (AFRO Anniversary) October 2008UNION Coordinating Board, Moscow World Bank/IMF Global Fund Board meeting November 2008Bamako, Global Forum for Health Research December 2008World AIDS Day ICASA Financing for Development Quarter Partners' Forum
Actions (session 4) GDF Develop dissemination strategy "complementarities" messaging - around how GDF works with other bits of TB (DOTS control, GFATM, UNITAID, GLC). Recipient countries need to hear the message about how GDF works; donors need to hear what makes GDF different "Show and Tell" for Journalists Target potential 2-3 new donors – overall targeting.
Actions (session 4) RESEARCH MOVEMENT Key message: Public funding going down. Develop compelling messages – that build outrage particularly in civil society. Prioritize growing available money; in parallel provide technical assistance to support capacity development to submit and access funding Mainstream research messages into "activity" calendar Link with other Research Initiatives i.e. MSF "Access to Medicine" Focus on limited number of big funders - EU, NIH Voice from "users" - new researchers and grants/fellowships. - capacity building Special Event
Actions (session 4) RETOOLING ACSM WG will actively support dissemination of the documents and messages through the different groups/communities (i.e national partnerships, etc)
Actions (session 4) BUSINESS ENGAGEMENT TASKFORCE Mapping Exercise (prioritize healthcare and non- healthcare, identify best practices, review existing approaches) –Streamline "communication" messages to business; –National programme - develop a mechanism scheme to ensure companies involved in national TB programmes and in working groups. –Private Sector constituency/Business Events Taskforce clarification of roles and responsibilities - volunteers. Advocacy with industry vs. representation of industry in governance.
Misc. Governance Identify focal points in each working groups, sub group or initiative. Current messages by “entity”