Summary -The Begenning -First success in the world -A new singer -Bad period -The best Hard Rock band -The line-up
The beginning: -Created in 1973 by Malcolm Young in Australia -First 33T: « Can I Sit Next To You Girl » -From 1974 to 1976 they released 3 studio albums in Australia and 2 in Europe
First success in the world: -From 1977 to 1979 they released 3 studio albums and their first Live album -Mark Evans, the bassist, was fired in The band hired Cliff Williams - « Let There Be Rock » and « Highway To Hell » became 2 of Best-selling albums in the world
A new singer: -On 19 February 1980, Bon Scott died of alcoholic coma. All members of the band were very sad et shocked, they hired a new singer, Brian Johnson. -From 1980 to 1983 they released 3 studio albums -« Back In Black » became the 2th best-selling album of all time behind « Thriller » of Michael Jackson - «For Those About To Rock(we salute you)» is one of their best-selling albums.
Bad period: -Phil Rudd was fired because he had problem with drugs. Simon Wright (the future drummer of Dio) was hired. -From 1984 to 1988 they released 2 studio albums, 1 compilation of old songs never released outside of Australia and 1 soundtracks album with 3 new songs - « Fly On The Wall » is the best album of AC/DC with albums sold
The best Hard Rock band: -Simon Wright left AC/DC and Chris Slade was hired in Chris Slade was fired in 1993 because Phil Rudd came back. -From 1990 to 2008 they released 4 studio albums and their 2th Live album -« The Razors Edge » and « Black Ice » are two of their best- selling albums -In 1991, AC/DC was the leading band at Monster In Moscow This concert was the biggest concert of all time with more people. -The « Black Ice Tour » wasthe biggest tour of the band from late 2008 to mid 2010.
The Line-Up Angus Young lead guitarist Malcolm Young rhythm guitarist Brian Johnson singer Bon Scott singer Cliff Williams bassist Phil Rudd Drummer