Clause Complexes Analysis When analysing clause complexes, we take into account these guidelines: When analysing clause complexes, we take into account these guidelines: List each clause vertically down the page, lettering each clause complex (A,B,C, etc.) and numbering each clause in the clause complex (i, ii, iii, iv, etc.) Display analysis on the left-hand side of the text Begin a new layer whenever there is a change in taxis or a change in logico- semantic relation.
o I have bought some beautiful tapestries and I think you will like them. o The match was cancelled, because it started to rain. o They advised me to emigrate, which is the last thing I’d do.
A i 1 I have bought some beautiful tapestries beautiful tapestries ii +2 and I think ii +2 and I think iii ‘ you will like them. iii ‘ you will like them. B i α The match was cancelled, ii xβ because it started to rain ii xβ because it started to rain C i They advised me ii to emigrate, ii to emigrate, iii =β which is the last thing I’d do. iii =β which is the last thing I’d do.
o He said that he liked the place. o “I am a professional,” he answered angrily. o Alcoholic drinks are sold out to adults, i.e. they are sold to people over 18.
D i α He said ii “β that he liked the ii “β that he liked the place. place. E i “1 “I am a professional”, ii 2 he answered angrily. ii 2 he answered angrily. F i 1 Alcoholic drinks are sold out to adults, ii = 2 i.e. they are sold to people over 18. ii = 2 i.e. they are sold to people over 18.
o Take extra care when driving at night. o Several countries have signed the pact; specifically all the EC countries have done so. o “I am the person you are looking for,” he confessed.
G i Take extra care ii xβ when driving at night. ii xβ when driving at night. H i 1 Several countries have signed the pact; ii =2 specifically all the EC countries have done so. ii =2 specifically all the EC countries have done so. I i “ 1 “I am the person you are looking for,” ii 2 he confessed. ii 2 he confessed.
o We should get through this job fairly soon; actually, there is very little left to do. o They spread the cloth on the grass and then began unpacking the picnic. o She wanted to know if he was comfortable in his room.
J i 1 We should get through this job fairly soon; ii = 2 actually, there is very little left to do. ii = 2 actually, there is very little left to do. K i 1 They spread the cloth on the grass ii x2 and then began unpacking the picnic. ii x2 and then began unpacking the picnic. L i α She wanted to know ii ‘β if he was comfortable in his room. ii ‘β if he was comfortable in his room.
o They decided not to go, which turned out to be a mistake. o Jane already speaks two foreign languages, whereas/while her brother hasn’t learned any. o He went to the station in a sort of dream, and was at home without realizing he had moved out of her street.
M i α They decided not to go, ii = which turned out to be a mistake. ii = which turned out to be a mistake. N i α Jane already speaks two foreign languages, ii +β whereas/while her brother hasn’t learned any. ii +β whereas/while her brother hasn’t learned any. O i 1 He went to the station in a sort of dream, in a sort of dream, ii +2 and was at home ii +2 and was at home iii x without realizing iii x without realizing iv ‘ he had moved out of iv ‘ he had moved out of her street. her street.
o It’s like going out with a child; she stops dead and refuses to go on. o Percival finished his whimper and went on playing, for the tears had washed the sand away. o “You know that you like them,”she said.
P i 1 It’s like going out with a child; ii =2 1 she stops dead ii =2 1 she stops dead iii +2 and refuses to go on. iii +2 and refuses to go on. Q i 1Percival finished his whimper ii +2and went on playing, ii +2and went on playing, iii x3for the tears had washed the sand away. iii x3for the tears had washed the sand away. R i “1 “You know ii ‘ that you like them,” ii ‘ that you like them,” iii 2 she said. iii 2 she said.
o They thought anything might happen if one came from London. o The minister glanced several times at his watch, so I took him aside and asked him to wait for half an hour.
S i They thought ii ‘ anything might ii ‘ anything might happen happen iii x if one came from iii x if one came from London. London. T i 1 The minister glanced several glanced several times at his watch, times at his watch, ii x2 1 so I took him aside ii x2 1 so I took him aside iii +2 and asked him iii +2 and asked him iv “ to wait for half an iv “ to wait for half an hour. hour.