Temperature Stories Narrative Input These stories were developed to support: 3 rd Grade Investigations Unit 6: Stories, Tables, and Graphs {session 1.2}
Story #1 In September, I decided to go for a walk outside. It was a little cool so I needed to wear a sweater. Picture #1
Story #1 Over the next several weeks, the temperature continued to rise. Picture #2 In January, my family and I had a picnic outside. I put on a pair of shorts and a shirt, packed a lunch and had a very nice time with my family outdoors all afternoon. Picture #3
Story #1 Shortly after the picnic the temperature started to go down and down. By the time June arrived, I needed my jacket again to go outside. Where was I? Picture #4
Story #2 In September, I went outside for a walk. I needed a jacket, but not my heaviest jacket. Picture #1 For the next several weeks, the temperature slowly started to go down. Picture #2
Story #2 By the time November arrived, the ground was covered with snow. I needed to wear my warmest jacket! The temperature went down even more. Picture #3 In January and February, it was so cold outside that it actually hurt when I breathed! Picture #4
Story #2 I could only go outside for a few minutes, and when I did I had to wear a big heavy coat, many socks, heavy boots, heavy gloves, and a hat. Picture #5 Over the next few months, the temperature slowly increased, but the snow didn’t start to melt until May! Where was I? Picture #6