Librarians vs. Automation Carolyn Weber Lucio Campanelli Will Hohyon Ryu
What Librarians Do Public Services Librarian Technical Service Librarian Acquisitions/Serials Librarian Cataloging Librarian
What Computers can Do Public Services Librarian –People use computers to find books. Technical Service Librarian –They work for computers Acquisitions/Serials Librarian –Computers can decide what to buy or not using automated statistics Cataloging Librarian –Automatic Index and Automatic Classification
(It seems…) We do not need librarians anymore! Automatic Indexing –No need to make a catalog Automatic Classification –Even assigning Dewey Codes can be done by librarians Vocabulary Control –Limits the range of words used –No creative actions! Automatic Abstracting –Computers provide information that librarians don’t.
21c Luddites?
Let’s see what they can do.
Automatic Indexing Definition –When the assignment of the content identifiers is carried out with the aid of modern computing equipment the operation becomes automatic indexing.
Procedure of Automatic Indexing Extracts Index Terms manage function department review budget periodically TermBook manageBook 2, 3 functionBook 3 departmentBook 1 reviewBook 1, 2 budgetBook 2, 3 periodicallyBook 2 Produces an Index Table
No Catalogers Anymore Isn’t Google Books better than WorldCAT?
Automatic Classification Find a right category of a book. Involves machine learning algorithms: SVM, Neural Network, Naïve Bayes Theorem
Procedure of AI’s Automatic Classification Learning Analyzes Index Terms BookTermClassification Book 1Review, budget, periodically, Manage Book 2Horticulture, flower, tulip Book 3Dog, cat, organ, lung Suggests Classification Library Management
Procedure of AI’s Automatic Classification Analyzes Index Terms BookTermClassification Book 1Review, budget, periodically, Manage Library Management Book 2Horticulture, flower, tulip Botany Book 3Dog, cat, organ, lung Zoology Suggests Classification
Computers can assign Dewey Codes! Based on full text - Librarians can’t Additional weight on the title and authors Give librarians suggestions
Vocabulary Control
Definition of Vocabulary Control The standardization of indexing and the labeling of items for future reference. The systematic selection of preferred terms. (Davis and Rush) A limited set of terms that must be used to represent the subject matter of documents (Lancaster)
What is a information retrieval thesaurus? Term applied in the 1950’s. A tool used for the subject indexing of documents Primary arrangement is alphabetical Helps indexers choose between synonyms and near synonyms when they occur Cross references help navigate the vocabulary and select the suitable terms Often used for indexing in databases or as a source of subject metadata
Origin and development of the thesaurus Formal standards began the early 20th century –Library of Congress Subject Headings –Sears’ Subject Headings for a Small Library Snails UFLand Snails Landsnails BTGastropoda NTEdible snails Freshwater snails Introduced snails Limpets Prosobrachia
Why are Thesauri Important? Headings can be used to organize physical files if required Can be used as a search tool Can help to formulate and modify searches without being seen by the searcher Can function as a browse and navigation tool Is a source of subject metadata for digital library resources
Example of Thesauri use in Proquest:
Project: Thesauri for Zines Definition of a zine “a small, handmade amateur publication done purely out of passion, rarely making a profit or breaking even.” - Factsheet Five Have to be manually created –“alternative” culture & terms –New materials handled by libraries –Local collection: Queer Zine Archive Project Digital Library
Example of a Zine & Subject Thesauri
Zine One
Zine One Thesauri
Zine Two
Zine Two Thesauri
Zine Three
Zine Three Thesauri
Zine Four
Zine Four Thesauri
Questions to Ponder…. What are the benefits or disadvantages to providing a thesauri for digital libraries? As libraries and publishers become more automated, is this the best solution for all types of materials? Why or why not? Zines are one type of alternative material which libraries are turning to manual thesaurus construction to provide more effective searching for users. Can you think of any other media or materials that may also require manual thesaurus construction?