Welcome to the Parent’s Meeting for Year 5 and Year 6 Together in love and faith.


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to the Parent’s Meeting for Year 5 and Year 6 Together in love and faith

Our Mission Statement ‘Through the love of God and the person of Jesus, our aim is to develop the wholeness of everyone, striving for excellence in all that we do. We seek to be a welcoming and caring Catholic community, respecting and accepting each other, as we journey together in love and faith.’

Staffing in Year 5 and Year 6 Year 6 Mrs Nevin Mrs Morris Mrs Cooper Year 5 Mrs Attwood Mrs Morris Mrs Cooper Mrs Briggs

1. Care for everyone and don’t hurt others 2. Listen when someone else is talking 3. Follow instructions the first time 4. Work hard and always do your best Our School Rules

1. Praise 2. Housepoints 3. Stickers 4. Special Privileges 5. Sent to another class/Head Teacher to show good work 6. Behaviour Awards 7. Head Teacher Award, certificates and star stickers 7. Positive notes home 8. Whole class rewards 9. Text home to Parents Our Classroom Rewards

1. Verbal Warning 2.Written Warning 3.Time away from group/class/playtime/lunchtime 4.Removal from class to Head Teacher and parents will be informed. Our Classroom Consequences

Expectations at St Clement’s At St Clement’s we expect the highest standards of behaviour, uniform, effort and achievement. In Years 5 & 6 our class motto is ‘your attitude determines your altitude.’ We want the children to work as hard as they can, striving for the best in all that they do. We encourage the children to become more responsible, giving them lots of jobs around the school as well as helping them prepare for high school. Staff will ensure: Teacher support for all (rotation of teacher/Ta.) Differentiation and challenge. Flexibility with groupings to ensure constant challenge.

Curriculum 2014 Year 5 and 6 will continue to adopt a themed curricular approach which enables our staff to make links between subjects. Each term will have different lead and additional subjects but it will provide all children with a rich and varied curriculum. Some examples of our topics this year are: 1980’s (Year 5) Survival/ 1990’s (Year 6) Food Glorious Food (Year 5) Britten’s Got Talent (Year 6) This year we are assessing the children without levels. The new SATs tests are being this year and the children will be given a scaled score rather than a level.

Assessment Without Levels Under the old curriculum, children were assessed by levels: Level 2 was the expected standard by the end of KS1/Y2 Level 4 was the expected standard by the end of KS2/Y6 With the introduction of the new national curriculum in September 2014, the government changed the way that children are assessed and assessment is now very different from how it has looked for the past 20 years. Levels have now gone. Children in Years 2&6 were the last to be awarded a level in their SATs tests in Summer Schools now have to design their own system for assessing their pupils.

Assessment Without Levels Children must now be assessed solely against the curriculum content for their year group. E.g. a child in Y5 will always be assessed against the Y5 programmes of study. Expectations are now higher, so initially less children may achieve the expected standard for their year group. Under the old system, children moved up levels regardless of their year group. The government now wants children to be more secure in their learning, to show independent work and to be able to use & apply their knowledge. This means that all children, especially those working above the standard, will need to show their learning in cross-curricular work and solve problems.

Assessment Without Levels By the end of each year, children will be judged against the expected standard, at one of 5 levels. E.g.: 1.Below expected 2.Working towards 3.Expected standard 4.Above 5.Mastery During the year, teachers will assess children using a range of evidence including: questioning, groupwork, tests and especially work in books. They will track children’s progress on our online tracking system –iTrack. They will know whether each child is on track to achieve the expected standard or not.

Assessment Without Levels At St. Clement’s our curriculum plans are based on the Lancashire guidelines, which set out Key Learning in each subject for each year group. We regularly assess the most important learning objectives (in bold) and these are listed on the parent leaflets. You can help your child by supporting them in achieving these objectives. E.g. here is the Key learning in Maths for Y5:

Assessment Without Levels To support our assessment system, we have joined a group of Halton schools who are working with Liverpool LA. Our teachers meet with other teachers to standardise their judgement of children’s work, so we know our assessments are sound. When we have agreed common standards our teachers will also meet with other schools to moderate children’s work. Data is collected and analysed so we can compare our results with other schools. From 2016 there will be new, harder, national SAT tests for Years 2&6. Children will be given a scaled score, but no one will know the pass threshold until July 2016 after the tests.

Statutory Assessment in Key Stage 2 Year 6 SATS in; Reading, Writing, SPAG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar) Maths There is no longer a mental maths test, however there will be three maths tests covering all aspects of maths particularly reasoning.

Reading, Writing & Maths cross curricular Reading Individual reading Guided reading with a group once a week. Cross curricular opportunities Writing Talk for writing, Shared/modelled writing, WAGOLL, Independent Maths Abacus Target Maths Coverage and progression of all areas of Maths Curriculum Reasoning, Problem Solving & Investigations Netbooks, Ipads Times Tables

Support for your Child Intervention Programmes Reading Writing Maths Additional Support Reading Writing Maths Nurture Gifted and Talented for Year 5 and 6 Local Schools Cluster – English, Maths, Computing, The Arts

Parental Involvement We value the support you provide your child. We will be continuing to encourage your child to listen carefully and ensure they always strive to do their best at what they are doing. Please could you ensure that your child is reading at home and record a comment in their reading diaries each night Try and encourage your child to read a range of texts. Children in year 5 and 6 are expected to take responsibility for their own homework bringing it in completed on the day it is due as stated on class newsletters. We welcome any help whether that is hearing readers, helping with swimming or any other support that you can give.

Come and visit our classrooms, where there is a chance to ask any questions.