1 CANADIAN FIRE ALARM ASSOCIATION A Fresh Perspective for Fire Safety from Coast to Coast Steve Clemens, Executive Director Dean Norman, Alberta Chapter President
MISSION To maximize the effectiveness and use of fire alarm systems in the protection of life and property in Canada VISION To be recognized nationally as the definitive resource for fire alarm related information, education, qualifications, expertise, and industry support with active Chapters throughout Canada cfaa.ca
Why be concerned with your Fire Alarm? Fire Safety Plan Risk Assessments Emergency Plans / Emergency Management Liability Insurance Life Safety Alberta Building & Fire Codes cfaa.ca
REPORTING REQUIREMENTS AFC (2) – If a person who carries out the maintenance of fire protection installations, including but not limited to portable fire extinguishers, fire extinguishing systems, fire alarm systems or fire alarm devices, discovers that a device or system is inoperative or defective and the owner or their authorized agent is unwilling or unable to correct the defect, the person carrying out the maintenance shall forthwith notify, in writing, the fire department and the owner or their authorized agent of that notification.AFC (2) – If a person who carries out the maintenance of fire protection installations, including but not limited to portable fire extinguishers, fire extinguishing systems, fire alarm systems or fire alarm devices, discovers that a device or system is inoperative or defective and the owner or their authorized agent is unwilling or unable to correct the defect, the person carrying out the maintenance shall forthwith notify, in writing, the fire department and the owner or their authorized agent of that notification.
Reporting of Systems At this TimeAt this Time 311 Notification of Deficient Fire Alarm Systems
Proposed Reporting of Systems FutureFuture Notification of all Systems
Can be written as many times as needed. The Log Book must be completed if 80% grade not achieved after 2 nd attempt, then test is re-taken. Registered Fire Alarm Technicia n Trainee Registered Fire Alarm Technicia n Maintain designation Become a CFAA Professional CFAA Professional (Non-practicing Technician) YESNO PASS CFAA Professional Registered Technician Available through CFAA Available through Community Colleges 2 nd FAIL New / Enrolled Trainee Registered Tech.
cfaa.ca Registered CFAA Fire Alarm Technicians can be validated
cfaa.ca CFAA Members are searchable
cfaa.ca How long should an Annual Fire Alarm Inspection & Test take?
Noted Fire Alarm Issues: Certificates / Reports Deficiencies versus Recommendations Monitoring (CAN/ULC S561) / Certificate Ancillary and Auxiliary – Sprinkler Systems – Kitchen Hood Systems – Elevators – Etc.
12 CANADIAN FIRE ALARM ASSOCIATION Thank you for your time! Steve Clemens Dean Norman Executive DirectorAlberta Chapter President