Notes: Circle dance. The timing is 4/4 & each measure (denoted I I I I ) can be counted out as CC=Counterclockwise, C=Clockwise. Unless otherwise noted all moves are done facing the center of the circle. Choreography for Marco Polo (Loreena McKennitt) listen for the deep drum note, which marks the beat, get into good bellydance posture. I I rhythm I I I I I I I I I I I I Right arm up Right arm down Left arm up Left arm down Both arms up Both arms down (Repeat) Intro I I I I I I I I Hip bumps on the right, Circling forward in place Hip bumps on the left, Circling forward in place Section A 1 Section A 2 I I I I I I I I Ribs right Ribs left Shoulder circle back Ribs right Shoulder circle back Ribs Left (Repeat) Section B (break) I I I I Hip circle to the right on 1-7, be in the 7, hold still on 8 Hip circle to the left on 1-7, be in the 7, tick-tock (r-l) on 8 Violin
I I I I I I I I Hip bumps alternating R-L, traveling in circle CC Section A 1 Section A 2 I I I I I I I I Repeat ribs-shoulder sequence, but this Time facing away from the center of the circle Section B extended (long break) I I I I I I I I Violin I I calm Keyhole arms eyes right eyes left head right head left Vocals begin I I I I I I I I Snake arm sequence Repeat snake arm sequence Section A 2 (abbreviated) I I I I Step-hips counterclockwise Quick ½ turn to face inward Right arm down Right arm up Left arm down Left arm up Both arms down Both arms up Right arm down snake Repeat. Note that on the first 2 beats the left arm goes up as the right comes down. Hip circle to the right on 1-7, be in the 7, ¼ turn on 8 Repeat leftRepeat rightRepeat left, But no quarter turn – you’ve ended facing center.
Section A 2 (short) I I I I (Fade out: bring arms up to close palms…..) I I I I I I I I Section A 1 Section A 2 I I I I I I I I Repeat hip-bump in a stationary circle sequence Repeat ribs-shoulder sequence Right arm up Right arm up Both arms down Both arms up