Interesting Facts 21 September 1580 Famous Sailor, Sir Francis Drake sailed back into Plymouth after setting off 3 years earlier in 1577 with 5 small ships. Only his ship, the Golden Hind survived the trip which saw Drake and his crew as the first Englishmen to circumnavigate the world. 7 years later in 1587 Elizabeth I put Drake in command of an expedition to attack the Spanish fleet which was going to attack England. The next year 1588 he was Vice Admiral of the fleet which defeated the Spanish Armada. Drake was as famous in his own lifetime as David Beckham is today!
What’s on this week? Monday 2.15Business Meeting – Infant Hall 3.00Cycle Training – 6E 6.00Parent Council AGM - Staffroom
What’s on this week?? Tuesday 3.00Cycle Training – 6M 12.00Pupil Council Meeting 12.10Choir Wednesday 3.15Supa Club – P5-7 – GP Room Netball – P6-7 – Infant Hall
What’s on this week?? Thursday 3.15Netball – P5 – Infant Hall Friday 10.30Pupil Council and Eco Club Meeting with S3 Pupils from KGS and their teacher regarding Fairtrade.
Supa Club starts on Wednesday 23 rd September at 3pm for P5 – P7 in Room GP3!
A note from the Games Parliament… At our first Games Parliament meeting we felt that it would be a good idea to try and organise activities at break or lunch times for any of the P1s, P2s and P3s who would be interested. To try and find out which activities would be popular, the Games Parliament will be sending questionnaires to all your classes to ask what you think. Once we get all the questionnaires back we will discuss this at the next GP meeting. If you ever want to pass on playground ideas to the Games Parliament please speak to any GP reps or Mr Balfour.
World’s Largest Lesson If you’d like to have a look at the video from the Business Meeting, please right click on the writing below and select “Open Hyperlink”. The Worlds Largest Lesson Introduced by Malala Yousafzai on Vimeo
Well Done to …………. All those who competed in the Williamson Putting Shield on Sunday.
Well Done to …………. To those who took part in the Triathlon at the Pickaquoy Centre on Sunday. This involved swimming 2 lengths of the pool, cycling 5 laps of the track and then running 2 laps of the track.
Well Done to …………. Elsie Mae, Molly, Tom and Jess who took part in a 12 hour fundraiser by Kirkwall Amateur Operatic Society to raise money for costumes for the Wizard of Oz production. They played violin, did Highland Dancing and danced to the popular song “Uptown Funk”.
Well Done to …………. Jamie, Liam and Jack who travelled to Inverness to compete with the Under 11’s team to play Ross County. They drew 0-0.
Well Done to …………. Finlay, Murray and Spencer for taking part in a Rugby Tournament on Sunday at the Pickaquoy Centre.
Well Done to …………. Finley for taking part in the Library Reading Challenge and receiving 3 medals and a record breaker certificate! Charlie for receiving an award for Best Attendance at Anchor Boys!
Well Done to …………. Nuala for getting a medal, 3 badges, 3 certs and attendance card for Gymnastics and a badge and certificate for Swimming
Well Done to …………. Buddy of the Week Jessica 7E