Listener Controlled Navigation of VoiceXML Documents Gopal Gupta N. Annamalai, H. Reddy Dept. of Computer Science UT Dallas
VoiceWEB VoiceXML: The open-standard language for serving voice/audio documents Voice/audio documents can be browsed using a voice browser with speaker & microphone or using the regular phone Voice browser:VoiceXML:: Browser:HTML Voice browser:VoiceXML:: Browser:HTML
VoiceXML (Cont’d) VoiceXML allows scripts/CGIs etc. Can take input from the listener via speech (fill out forms like in HTML) Used extensively for automated call handling. Makes info. accessible over (cell)phones. The next revolution on the WEB.
Problem with VoiceXML Navigation of the voice document is completely controlled by the page author After each dialog (form) the author has to ask where the listener will like to go next Listener has absolutely no control over navigation. Tedium, Adv. Applications not possible Analogy: Scroll vs a book
Our Solution: Voice Anchors Voice anchors are speech labels that listeners can place on a dialog. Listener can return to that dialog later by uttering that label. Hard to implement this concept, as free- form speech recognition is not possible. Need to incorporate it in the voice browser
Voice Anchors We have developed a number of methods for attaching voice anchors. Most practical method: via spelling The user can state the anchor as a whole word and return to the dialoged labeled Can also have default anchors (turning a scroll into a book). Can also have a no. of default navigation strategies. E.g. skim section headings first
Competing Products None that will do this for VoiceXML (at least we are not aware of them). The concept of voice anchors not implemented in speech There are anchors & bookmarks in HTML AsTeR is a system developed for making latex documents heard by blind users
Applications of the Technology Talking books (published in VoiceXML) Making WEB accessible to blind (ADA compliance); Our lab has already developed a HTML -> VXML converter Advanced interaction over the phone (e.g. travel reservation can be done). Interactive direction giving. Numerous other applications.
Buyers/Licensees Makers of voice browsers: IBM + others Big users of voice applications: Airlines, Retailers, etc. Developers of voice applications: Tellme, BeVocal, Intervoice. Govt.: make its websites ADA compliant Publishers of e-books.
Size of the Market If we have patent protection,market size can be huge. Potentially millions of dollars (cos. such as InterVoice are quite big) Voice based WEB: the next revolution. VoiceXML has revolutionized phone services, not the Internet yet. But will happen in the next 2-3 yrs
Costs & Commercialization Currently we have a system developed as a proxy server; cost to develop: not much We could incorporate voice anchors in a voice browser: approx. 1 year effort Or wrap our system around an existing voice browser (six months effort) Time to commercialization: less than 1 yr.
Interested Companies We haven’t disclosed it to any company yet. The idea can be easily copied. Our ideas are very simple. This simplicity is the source of power of our ideas.
Potentially Interested Cos. Computer & Communication Cos: IBM, Motorola, Lucent, Verizon, HP Voice Solutions Cos: Intervoice Critically important to secure a patent, since once the idea is known it is easily implementable. Best strategy: license the technology