Date EntryPage # 1/8 Genetic Terms5 1/13 Traits Lab6 1/13 Where is DNA?7 1/13 Tour of Basics8
Genetics Terms 5 4.Genetic Material - 5.Gene - 6.DNA – 7.Chromosomes - Turn to page 5 in journal and write the terms below. Skip a space.
Today I will define and recognize genes, DNA, and chromosomes
Chromosomes, DNA, Genes, and Traits are genetic material found in the nucleus of the cell
5 Genes are segments of Chromosomes A gene is a section of DNA that controls a trait ( ex. tall /short) that an organism inherits TPS: if genes are sections of DNA, where are genes located in the cell?
6 What do you know about DNA? Where have you heard the term? What was the context or situation? DNA Write this in your notebook and be ready to share with your class as your teacher records on the board.
7 Because DNA is a nonliving, nonreactive chemical molecule… It can be recovered from mummies over 2000 years old. DNA is found in dried blood in murder investigations DNA can be found in ancient bones
8 The genetic material that carries information about an organism passed from parent to offspring DNA is a complete set of instructions necessary to make and maintain the human body. DNA is a blueprint of the human body
10 Where is DNA? Found in Cells… DNA is wound tightly into structures called Chromosomes so it can fit into a tiny cell… inside the Nucleus, the Control Center. so, Chromosomes are made of DNA Short sections of DNA are called Genes
Chromosomes are DNA wrapped around proteins to form an X- shaped structure. Chromosomes are located in the nucleus of a cell A chromosome is formed from a single DNA molecule that contains many genes. 11
12 Mother Father Go to Notes and Forms 4 th 6 weeks Go to Tour of Basics Start with What is DNA? section
Where is DNA? – Label – DNA, Cell, Chromosome, Nucleus, and Gene Genetic Material Analysis