Discussions Summary ASSTAR - Crossing & Passing session
page 2 ASSTAR User Forum #1 in Rome, 4 th April 2006 ASAS C&P Radar Airspace session 1/4 Operational - Procedure Target identification + feedback from pilot(clock / distance) & Flight ID / callsign use –Issue on use of Callsign - ICAO Flight ID ; how it is readback ; what is on CDTI ; misinterpretaion risks –Package 2/3 environment may consider a more advanced environment regarding how this information is transmitted & for selection means on-board. Is the target aircraft informed ? –From experience in FR visual clearance it is considered, but optional –Implies extra communications information (contradicts with limiting R/T use, and with reduction in comm. transactions)
page 3 ASSTAR User Forum #1 in Rome, 4 th April 2006 … continued Why not include enhanced conflict detection & resolution on ground (e.g. through ongoing ANSP system upgrades ? to assist ATCO in providing a simple vectors, like a heading change –The best place to calculate an optimized trajectory is on-board (as done for the FMS route today - it contains data not available in the ground system : atmospheric, met. conditions, aircraft performance specific to each aircraft, …) Transition considerations into a 4D environment. –Concept can manage ASAS tactical manoeuvres and still use 4D (i.e; keep the FM engaged and execute both tactical & strategic). Interest for capabilities related to Trajectory Change Points – (would resolve controller issues raised in MFF, moreover would feed ground probes). –Datalink is an option – extrapolating from the current situation to a near-term approach, idea was not impose too many options. –FR considers that D/L availablity should be contribute for its use – but other D/L issues (latency, integrity, availability) need to be considered. –G2G provides some rational & choices of Datalink use
page 4 ASSTAR User Forum #1 in Rome, 4 th April 2006 ASAS C&P Radar Airspace session 2/4 Responsibility - Roles When delegating – who is responsible for separation - procedure if error –ASEP-C&P clearly implies DELEGATING separation responsibility to the crew. –In case of error the procedure remains identical as today : ICAO contingency procedure If separation "fails" next layer is safety net => ground : 1/2 vertical separation exists. Similar for for airborne separation failure : aircrew already has responsibility for collision avoidance – and applies own separation if it has to be applied. (Auto TCAS not favoured) does ATCO expect separation minima to be the same as ATCO applied minima? –Separation minima vary today f() of means (monopulse : 3Nm, en-route ~12Nm) ; airborne separation has no obvious reason to be the same, moreover it is based on high performance NAV (GNSS), so should provide higher performance SEP.
page 5 ASSTAR User Forum #1 in Rome, 4 th April 2006 … continued ASAS C&P pilot-controller transaction being understood as a multiple comm. syndrome (feeling being that this may adversely affect the ASAS application objective). Controller may also retain the crossing situation mentally – for his next step strategic planning Large heading change the closer you get => using up more airspace –ATCO do not consider that transactions are significantly higher than a ATCO controlled crossing under strict procedure; Positively accept the scenario –ATCO can anticipate the conflict (well in advance compared to when he would trigger the ATCO controlled crossing) : as the ASAS C&P allows for delegation to the aircraft he is relieved from the continuous execution if this crossing.
page 6 ASSTAR User Forum #1 in Rome, 4 th April 2006 ASAS C&P Radar Airspace session 3/4 Standards - Terminology - Phraseology RFG interest and basis for post package 1 applications ? –Take into account experience / lessons learnt from MAAFAS (spacing), MFF (with & without delegation) –Consider that the applications fall into the Airborne SEParation category – Controller not needed to monitor, otherwise Operational interest nil. Is crossing distance specified (e.g. crossing a heavy) ? –Target a/c wake category is a parameter in the ASAS algorithm –The information should come from the ADS-B data (not be prescribed by controller, again for a simple transaction with reduced R/T time) Nomenclature / terminology / phraseology to be standardised –Agreed, group has intended unique terms –apologies for inconsistency in some presentations
page 7 ASSTAR User Forum #1 in Rome, 4 th April 2006 ASAS C&P Radar Airspace session 4/4 Technical Environment Radar applications versus. Surveillance (ADS-B based) applications –In considering a transition scenario (today-> tomorrow) : ATCO relies on radar, so the primary objective is understand how ASAS will be integrated into the radar environment. –Although ADS-B is being considered for some airspace, it is not considered as applicable in core European area as being able to respond to needs.