Vocabulary Level E Unit 1
ambidextrous Adj. To be equally skilled with both hands
deploy Verb to position or arrange To form up (syn) station, organize Seating chart
gape Verb to stare with mouth open; To open wide (Syn) ogle, gawk
gibe Verb to utter taunting words (syn) ridicule, mock, jeer Noun an expression of scorn
guise Noun an external appearance, cover mask (syn) costume, semblance, pretense
reiterate Verb to say again, repeat (syn) restate, rehash, recapitulate “I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America....”
stolid Adj. Not easily moved mentally or emotionally; dull, unresponsive (syn) impassive
tentative Adj. Experimental in nature; uncertain, hesitant (syn) inconclusive Tentative contract
verbatim Adj. adv.) word for word; exactly as written or spoken (syn) --(adj) exact; (adv) precisely “To be or not to be. That is the question” Hamlet
warily Adv. Cautiously, with great care (syn) carefully, prudently, gingerly
insidious Bernie Madoff Ponzi scheme
intimation Hint hin t
verbatim Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth. The Road Not Taken