NuFACT06 Summer School -Factory Front End and Cooling David Neuffer f Fermilab
2 0utline Lecture I –Front End General introduction –Study 2A ν-Factory –variations Capture and decay from target Bunching and φ-E rotation Lecture II – Cooling Ionization cooling concepts Cooling for a ν-Factory –MICE experiment µ + -µ - collider cooling
3 References “Cost-effective design for a neutrino factory”, J. Berg et al., PRSTAB 9, (2006) “Recent progress in neutrino factory …”, M. Alsharo’a et al., PRSTAB 6, (2003) “Beams for European Neutrino Experiments (BENE) CERN S. Ozaki et al., Feasibility Study 2, BNL-52623(2001). N. Holtkamp and D. Finley, eds., Study 1, Fermilab-Pub- 00/108-E (2000). The Study of a European neutrino factory complex, CERN/PS/ R. Palmer- NuFACT05 Summer School lecture notes
4 Neutrino Factory - Study 2A Proton driver Produces proton bunches 8 or 24 GeV, ~10 15 p/s, ~50Hz bunches Target and drift (> 0.2 /p) Buncher, bunch rotation, cool Accelerate to 20 GeV or more Linac, RLA and FFAGs Store at 20 GeV (0.4ms) e + + e * Long baseline Detector >10 20 /year
5 Target for π production Typical beam: 10 GeV protons up to 4 MW 1m long bunches up to 4×10 13 /bunch, 60Hz Options: Solid targets –C (graphite targets) (NUMI) –Solid metal ( p- source) – rotating Cu-Ni target Liquid Metal targets –SNS – type (confined flow) –MERIT – Hg jet in free space –Best for 4MW ??
6 The Fundamental Problem with Solid Targets What do we need in materials to get us to multi-MW Power Levels? low elasticity modulus (limit Stress = EαΔT/(1-2ν) low thermal expansion high heat capacity good diffusivity to move heat away from hot spots high strength resilience to shock/fracture strength resilience to irradiation damage That ’ s All !
7 Liquid Targets Contained liquid flow (~SNS) Damage to containment vessel possible Shock of short pulse Liquid Jet target Hg jet ~ Jet is disrupted by beam –δT = 50 s ? Need target material capture and recirculation system
8 MERIT experiment at CERN Target date: November 2006! i.e. ready to receive and install the solenoid and Hg-loop Beam parameters: Nominal momentum 24 GeV/c Intensity/bunch – baseline: harmonic 16 (i.e. 16 buckets in PS, t=125ns) protons / bunch total maximum ~30 protons/pulse Next steps: MD time in 2006 assigned To address the most critical configurations – priorities should be defined Set-up time at the beginning of 2007 may be required to achieve the highest intensities Magnet tested at 15T Hg jets
9 π capture from target Protons on target produce large number of π’s Broad energy range (0 to 10+GeV) More at lower energies Transverse momentum (up to ~0.3GeV/c) Capture beam from target Options: Li lens Magnetic horn Magnetic Solenoid
10 Li Lens properties Current-carrying conducting cylinder Focusing Field: Fermilab values: R 0 =1 cm, I=0.5MA, L=15 cm, B(R 0 )=10T Focuses 9GeV/c p with p < 0.45 GeV/c Problems Pulsed at <1Hz, need liquid for 10 + Hz Absorbs particles (π,p-bar) Forward capture Captures only one sign Focusing angle: Θ=(0.3B(r) L)/P
11 Magnetic Horn after target Baseline capture for superbeams/NUMI Magnetic field from I on wall Lenses can be tuned to obtain narrow band or broad-band acceptance Pulsed current, thin conductors Breakage over many pulses Beam lost on material focuses + or - particles NUMI beam line
12 NUMI target, beam Target segmented graphite, water cooled 954mm long; 47 20mm segments Movable: can be positioned up to 2.5m upstream of horn to tune beam energy Parabolic horns Pulsed at up to 200kA; 3T peak field Focus π‘s into decay tunnel
13 Solenoid lens capture Target is immersed in high field solenoid Particles are trapped in Larmor orbits Produced with p = p ‖, p Spiral with radius r = p /(0.3 B sol ) Particles with p < 0.3 B sol R sol /2 are trapped p ,max < GeV/c for B=20T, R sol = 0.075m Focuses both + and - particles
14 Solenoid transport Magnetic field adiabatically decreases along the transport Transverse momentum decreases Busch’s theorem: B r orbit 2 is constant B=20T → 2T (r=3.75cm →= 12cm) P = 0.225→0.07GeV/c Emittance = ~ σ x σ px / ~8cm×25 MeV/c / ≅ 0.02m P remains constant (P ‖ increases) Transport designed to maximize π → acceptance
15 Homework problems: targetry How many 24 GeV protons per second are in a 4 MW beam? With 60Hz bunches, how many protons/bunch? a beam of 24GeV protons produces, on average, one pion pair per proton with mean momentum of 250 MeV/c (per pion). What percentage of the proton beam kinetic energy is converted to pions? If the target is surrounded by a 20T solenoid with a 5cm radius, what maximum transverse momentum of pions is accepted? If B is adiabatically reduced to 1T what is the resulting transverse momentum and beam size? Estimated normalized emittance?
16 π→μν decay in transport π-lifetime is 2.60×10 -8 s L = 7.8 β m For π μ+ν, is 23.4 MeV/c, E =0.6 to 1.0E π Capture relatively low-energy π μ 100 – 300 MeV/c Beam is initially short in length Bunch on target is 1 to 3 ns rms length As Beam drifts down beam transport, energy-position (time) correlation develops: L=0m L=36m GeV -20m 100m
17 Phase-energy rotation To maximize number of ~monoenergetic μ’s, neutrino factory designs use phase-energy rotation Requires: “short” initial p-bunch Drift space Acceleration (induction linac or rf) –at least ±100 MV Goal: Accelerate “low-energy tail” Decelerate “high-energy head: Obtain long bunch –with smaller energy spread L=1m L=112m rf 0 0.5GeV/c -50m50m LL
18 Phase Energy rotation options Single bunch capture Low-frequency rf (~30MHz) Best for collider (?) (but only + or - ) Induction Linac Nondistortion capture possible Very expensive technology, low gradient Captures only + or - “High Frequency” buncher and phase rotation Captures into string of bunches (~200MHz) Captures both + and -
19 Phase/energy rotation Low-frequency rf; capture into single long bunch 25MHz – 3MV/m +25% 50MHz 10m from target to 50m But: Low-frequency rf is very expensive Continuation into cooling and acceleration a problem (200MHz?) 12 m Only captures one sign …
20 Induction Linac for φ-E Rotation Induction Linac can provide long pulse for φ-E rotation Arbitrary voltage waveform possible Limited to < ~1MV/m need > ~200MV, > 200m Very expensive, large power requirements Only captures one sign
21 Nondistortion φ-E rotation Cancellation with single induction linac gives distortion (Head has larger δE than tail) Sequence of 2 (or more) linacs can spread beam out evenly Goal is to spread beam out evenly mapping Kinetic Energy to length (Δcτ); all at same final energy (0.25 to 0.225MeV) to (0 to 80m)
22 Study 2 system Drift to develop Energy- phase correlation Accelerate tail; decelerate head of beam, non- distortion (280m induction linacs (!)) Bunch at 200 MHz ~0.2 /p Inject into 200 MHz cooling system Cools transversely (to t = ~0.002m
23 High-frequency Buncher + Rotation Drift (110m) Allows beam to decay; beam develops correlation Buncher (~333 230MHz) Bunching rf with E 0 = 125 MeV, 1 = 0.01 { L 1 =~1.5m at L tot = 150m} V rf increases gradually from 0 to ~6 MV/m Rotation (~233 200MHz) Adiabatic rotation V rf =~10 MV/m Cooler (~100m long) (~200 MHz) fixed frequency transverse cooling system Replaces Induction Linacs with medium- frequency rf (~200MHz) ! Captures both μ + and μ - !!
24 Adiabatic Buncher overview Want rf phase to be zero for reference energies as beam travels down buncher Spacing must be N rf rf increases (rf frequency decreases) Match to rf = ~1.5m at end: Gradually increase rf gradient (linear or quadratic ramp): Example: rf : 0.90 1.5m
25 Adiabatic Buncher example Adiabatic buncher (z=90 →150m) Set T 0, : 125 MeV/c, 0.01 In buncher: Match to rf =1.5m at end: zero-phase with 1/ at integer intervals of : Adiabatically increase rf gradient: rf : 0.90 1.5m
26 Rotation At end of buncher, change rf to decelerate high-energy bunches, accelerate low energy bunches Reference bunch at zero phase, set rf less than bunch spacing (increase rf frequency) Place low/high energy bunches at accelerating/decelerating phases Can use fixed frequency (requires fast rotation) or Change frequency along channel to maintain phasing “Vernier” rotation –A. Van Ginneken
27 Fast “Vernier” Rotation At end of buncher, choose: Fixed-energy particle T 0 Second reference bunch T N Vernier offset Example: T 0 = 125 MeV Choose N= 10, =0.1 –T 10 starts at MeV Along rotator, keep reference particles at (N + ) rf spacing 10 = 36° at =0.1 Bunch centroids change: Use E rf = 10MV/m; L Rt =8.74m High gradient not needed … Bunches rotate to ~equal energies. rf : 1.517m in rotation; rf = ct/10 at end ( rf 1.532m) Nonlinearities cancel: T(1/ ) ; Sin( )
28 “ICOOL” Adiabatic Rotation At end of buncher, choose: reference particle T 0 Reference bunch T N (N bunches from 0) V ’ rf gradient, offset Example: T 0 = 125 MeV Choose N= 10, =0.1 –T 10 starts at MeV In ICOOL T 0 = T 0 + E 0 'z… T N =T N + E N ' z Rotate until T 0 ≅ T N Along rotator, keep reference particles at (N + ) rf spacing E N ' ≅eV' sin(2π ) λ rf ~1.4 to 1.5 m over buncher ~Adiabatic Particles remain in bunches as bunch centroids align Match into MHz Cooling System
29 Initial Study 2A(12/03) Drift (110.7m) Buncher (51m) P 1 =280, P 2 =154 MeV/c, N B =18 V rf = 3 L/ (L/51) 2 MV/m Vernier Phase Rotator (54m) N V = 18.05, V rf =12 MV/m Cooler (up to 100m) Alternating solenoid 2.7T, 0.75m cells 2cm LiH/cell 16MV/m rf (30°) 5000 particle simulation
30 ICOOL results-Study 2A (12/03) ~0.23 μ/p within reference acceptance at end of 80m cooling channel (ε ⊥ <0.03m) ~0.11 μ/p within restricted acceptance (ε ⊥ <0.015m) At end of φ-E Rotator: A~0.10 μ/p and 0.05 μ/p Rms emittance cooled from ε ⊥ = to ε ⊥ = ~0.008m Longitudinal rms emittance ≅0.070m (per bunch)
31 Study2A June 2004 scenario Drift –110.7m Bunch -51m V (1/ ) = 12 rf freq., 110MV 330 MHz 230MHz -E Rotate – 54m – (416MV total) 15 rf freq. 230 202 MHz P 1 = 280, P 2 = 154 N V = Match and cool (80m) 0.75 m cells, 0.02m LiH “Realistic” fields, components Captures both μ + and μ -
32 Features/Flaws of Study 2A Front End Fairly long section – ~300m long Study 2 was induction linac 1MV/m, 450m long Produces long bunch trains of ~200 MHz bunches ~80m long (~50 bunches) Transverse cooling is ~2½ in x and y No cooling or more cooling ? Method works better than it should … Requires rf within magnetic fields 12 MV/m at B = 1.75T
33 Another example: ~88 MHz Drift – 90m Buncher-60m Rf gradient 0 to 4 MV/m Rf frequency: 166→100 MHz Total rf voltage 120MV Rotator-60m Rf gradient 7 MV/m – 100→87 MHz 420MV total Acceptance ~ study 2A (but no cooling yet) Less adiabatic 0 GeV/c 0.5 GeV/c
34 rf in Rotation/Cooling Channels: Can cavities hold rf gradient in magnetic fields?? MUCOOL 800 MHz result : V' goes from 45MV/m to 12MV/m (as B -> 4T) Vacuum rf cavity Worse at 200MHz ??
35 Use gas-filled rf cavities? Muons, Inc. tests: Higher gas density permits higher gradient Magnetic field does not decrease maximum allowable gradient Gas filled cavities may be needed for cooling with focusing magnetic fields Density > ~60 atm H 2 (7.5% liq.) Energy loss for µ’s is >~ 2MV/m Can use energy loss for cooling Mo electrode, B=3T, E=66 MV/m Mo B=0 E=64MV/m Cu E=52MV/m Be E= 50MV/m 800 MHz rf tests
36 Gas-filled rf cavites (Muons, Inc.) Cool here Add gas + higher gradient to obtain cooling within rotator ~300MeV energy loss in cooling region Rotator is 54m; Need ~4.5MeV/m H 2 Energy 133atm equivalent 295ºK gas ~250 MeV energy loss Alternating Solenoid lattice in rotator 20MV/m rf cavities Gas-filled cavities may enable higher gradient (Muons, Inc.)
37 High-gradient rf with gas-filled cavities Transverse emittance Acceptance (per 24GeV p) Pressure at 150Atm Rf voltage at 24 MV/m Transverse rms emittance cools to ~0.008m Acceptance ~0.22 /p at ε T < 0.03m ~0.12 /p at ε T < 0.015m About equal to Study 2A
38 Simulation results 50m -50m GeV/c
39 Cost impact of Gas cavities Removes 80m cooling section (-185 M$) Increase V rf ' from 12.5 to 20 or 24 MV/m Power supply cost V' 2 (?) 44 M$ 107M$ or 155M$ Magnets: 2T 2.5T Alternating Solenoids 23 M$ 26.2 M$ Costs due to vacuum gas-filled cavities (??) Total change: Cost decreases by 110 M$ to 62 M$ (???)
40 Cost estimates: Costs of a neutrino factory (MuCOOL-322, Palmer and Zisman): Study 2Study 2A “Study 2A front end reduces cost by ~ 350MP$
41 Summary Buncher and E Rotator (ν-Factory) Variations Gas-filled rf cavities can be used in Buncher-Rotator Gas cavities can have high gradient in large B (3T or more?) Variations that meet Study 2A performance can be found Shorter systems – possibly much cheaper?? Gas-filled rf cavities To do: Optimizations, Best Scenario, cost/performance … More realistic systems
42 Postdoc availability – Front end SBIR with Muons, Inc. – capture, - rotation and cooling with gas-filled rf cavities