MICE CC visit at CERN Alain Blondel 1 MICE The International Muon Ionization Cooling Experiment
MICE CC visit at CERN Alain Blondel MICE = critical R&D for neutrino factory and muon collider 2 neutrino factory: accelerate muons and store to produce neutrinos -- flux known to <±1% -- high energy electron neutrinos long baseline oscillation manifests itself by wrong sign muons: LARGE (100kton) magnetized iron detector Golden channel: Or opposite charges (and anti-) + unique ability to test e
MICE CC visit at CERN Alain Blondel Slide 3 T2KK: T2K 1.66 MW beam to 270 kton fid volume Water Cherenkov detectors in Japan (295km) and in Korea (1050 km); DUSEL: a WBB from Fermilab to a 300 kton WC in Dusel (1300km); SPL 4 GeV, EU-BB and BB+SPL: CERN to Fréjus (130km) project; NF bl is the Neutrino Factory baseline (4000km and 7000km baselines) and NF Py+INO represents the concrete baseline from CERN to Pyhasalmi mine in Finland (2285 km) and to INO in India (7152 km); PS2-Slanic is a preliminary superbeam study at 1500km based on an upgrade of PS2 to 1.66MW and a 100kton Liquid Argon TPC CERN – SPC panel report, Figure 2 A representative compilation of sensitivities of some future long baseline projects. Here the fraction of CP where CP violation can be observed at 3 standard deviations is plotted as a function of 13.
MICE CC visit at CERN Alain Blondel 4
5 Intense nucl. and hadr. physics Intense Low-E muons Neutrino Factory Higgs(es) Factory(ies) Energy Frontier -> 5 TeV circa US, Europe, Japan Possible layout of a muon complex on the CERN-Geneva site.
MICE CC visit at CERN Alain Blondel 6 Muon Collider -- Synchrotron radiation loss and beamstrahlung are reduced as (m e /m ) 4 Can go to high energy with circular machines (saves loads of RF hardware) really pointlike lepton lepton collisions at high energy -- direct coupling to Higgs boson scales as (m /m e ) 2 Higgs factory only 63 GeV/beam for 126 GeV Higgs boson Main challenges: --requires HUGE magnetic fields target solenoid 20T last cooling section 30-50T -- RF in magnetic field
MICE CC visit at CERN Alain Blondel 7 Muon collider and neutrino factory target area 4 MW proton beam with <3ns bunches on liquid mercury target Tapered 20 T 1.5 T solenoid focuses pions in forward direction Radiation issues on Solenoid (massive shiedinng required)
MICE CC visit at CERN Alain Blondel Neutrino Factory and Muon Collider rest heavily on -- ionisation cooling -- more generally manipulations of muon beams within solenoid magnetic fields -- MANY VARIANTS! High Brilliance muon beams Principle is straightforward… transverse longitudinal Empty magnet + wedge absorber Magnet filled with (gas) absorber
MICE CC visit at CERN Alain Blondel 9 Practical realizations are more delicate… IDS Neutrino Factory Cooling Figure of Merit MICE (from Study II 2001)
MICE CC visit at CERN Alain Blondel 10 Practical realizations vary… But all contain solenoid magnets (for transport and focus) RF cavities (for re-acceleration) and absorbers (for cooling itself. Best is Liq H2)
MICE CC visit at CERN Alain Blondel 11 Incoming muon beam Variable Diffuser Beam PID TOF 0 Cherenkov TOF 1 Trackers 1 & 2 measurement of emittance in and out Liquid Hydrogen absorbers 1,2,3 Downstream particle ID: TOF 2 KL, EMR RF cavities 1RF cavities 2 Spectrometer solenoid 1 Matching coils 1&2 Focus coils 1 Spectrometer solenoid 2 Coupling Coils 1&2 Focus coils 2Focus coils 3 Matching coils 1&2 10% cooling of 200 MeV/c muons requires ~ 20 MV of RF single particle measurements => measurement precision can be as good as out / in ) = never done before either…
MICE CC visit at CERN Alain Blondel 12 Incoming muon beam Variable Diffuser Beam PID TOF 0, TOF 1 Cherenkovs Trackers 1 & 2 Liquid Hydrogen absorbers 1,2,3 Downstream particle ID: TOF 2, KL EMR RF cavitiesRF power Spectrometer solenoid 1 Spectrometer solenoid 2 Coupling Coils 1&2 Focus coils MICE Collaboration across the planet
MICE CC visit at CERN Alain Blondel MICE SCHEDULE update October 2011 STEP I STEP IV Q and 2013 STEP V STEP VI Run date: Completed EMR run Q Under construction:
MICE CC visit at CERN Alain Blondel Coupling coil (Harbin China) 14 EMR (Geneva) Diffuser (Oxford) RF Amplifier (Daresbury) RF cavities (Berkeley) absorber windows (Mississippi) LiqH2 absorber (KEK) MICE construction: world-wide team effort! AFC Magnet (RAL/Oxford) Trackers (JP-UK-US) Aim for completion in 2016
MICE CC visit at CERN Alain Blondel MICE SCHEDULE update October 2011 STEP I STEP IV Q and 2013 STEP V STEP VI Run date: Completed EMR run Q Under construction: Schedule driver are the coupling coils 1v 1 1
MICE CC visit at CERN Alain Blondel 16 All MICE magnets are designed under the same principles: -- 4K superconducting coils magnet with axial field ‘solenoids’ -- Each magnet is independently cooled with cryocoolers -- Magnets have no return joke (global shielding in the MICE hall) -- magnets ‘talk’ to each other large forces and magnetic influence quench protection is a significant issue -- magnets are operated in continuous mode but changes in magnet current are frequent every run or few runs has a different magnetic field setting
MICE CC visit at CERN Alain Blondel 17 Coupling coil construction plan is being assembled -- 3 Large magnets (outer dimension 3m) one for Mucool tests, 2 for MICE -- LBNL responsibility -- project leader was changed now Steve Gourlay (head of accelerator division) -- original plan = construction at HIT Harbin China -- not feasible, Harbin group has desintegrated -- design effort in Shanghai (Pr Li Wang and collaborators) -- construction of coils and parts in Qi Huan company in Beijing -- funding from H IT and DOE in place -- test of coils and assembly of cryostat at/around LBNL or Fermilab -- final assembly and test of {coils+cryostats+cryocoolers+instrumentation) first at Fermilab? Second and third at CERN? -- next steps cryostat drawings review and first coil test
MICE CC visit at CERN Alain Blondel 18 We are extremely grateful to Marzio Nessi for proposing help from ATLAS Magnet team -- today: first meeting with MICE spokesperson and MICE project manager To present the project and have a first discussion of possibilities -- involvement of CERN team in review and definition of the schedule should be part of process -- next step: visit of Steve Gourlay and LBNL team on 7 of February
MICE CC visit at CERN Alain Blondel 19 MICE and CERN CERN is a member of MICE MICE is a recognized CERN experiment -- CERN played a key role in design of experiment in provided RF amplifiers -- provide magnetic field measaurement device -- Neutrino team (Ilias Efthymiopoulos + Ole Hansen) participate in MICE step I (beam physics) -- CERN directorate (Myers, Bertolucci) very supportive of involvement of CERN in helping MICE completion in a timely way