My Weather Forecast for Stillwater, OK By: Meghan Kaifes
Current Weather Conditions for February 23, 2009 Temperature: 48 degrees -Wind chill: 42 degrees Humidity: 38% Wind: SE mph Precipitation: 0% Temperature: 48 degrees -Wind chill: 42 degrees Humidity: 38% Wind: SE mph Precipitation: 0%
Definitions Humidity: the amount of water vapor in the air -the more water vapor, the stickier it feels outside Wind chill: the calculation of temperature that takes into account the wind -more wind=a colder day in the winter Humidity: the amount of water vapor in the air -the more water vapor, the stickier it feels outside Wind chill: the calculation of temperature that takes into account the wind -more wind=a colder day in the winter
5 Day Forecast Tues. High 67 Low 41 10% Rain Partly Cloudy Wed. High 72 Low 55 10% Rain Partly Cloudy Thurs. High 76 Low 34 30% Rain Isolated Thunder Storms Fri. High 52 Low 30 10% Rain Partly Cloudy Sat. High 52 Low 27 10% Rain Partly Cloudy
Why is this information important to a weather forecast? How does the weather forecast affect the local weather and climate? Why is this information important to a weather forecast? How does the weather forecast affect the local weather and climate?