Guest Lecture weather briefing -- climate -- compositing -- paper review -- guest of the guest lecture -- wrap up
Current weather: national radar national radar IR satellite Forecasted weather: forecast loop forecast loop winds Swell forecast: surf surf
Weather? Climate? current state of the atmosphere time averaged weather: rain, temp, wind, etc.. Ex: summer rainfall averages 100mm (80, 70, 120, 200, 30 ) NEVER HAD 100mm! (20,10,50,60,360) NOT EVEN CLOSE! STATISTICAL FICTION Greek word: “klima” Word History The ancient Greeks believed that the earth sloped from the equator to the north pole. They thought that this sloping caused the different weather conditions found in different regions of the world. Therefore they called each of the regions a klima, which was also the word for "slope" or "inclination." Klimawas borrowed into Latin as clima, and from Latin it was taken into French where it was spelled climat. In English it became climate, a word which we now use more often to mean the weather conditions themselves than the region where they occur. Climate variability? Climate change? Climate sceptic?
Caribbean rain-belt variability
Caribbean rain-belt early rain season rainfall climatology There is no weather in southern California during the summer. The climate in southern California during the summer is hot and dry. HOW?
Compositing ( or type into google noaa psd monthly composite )
Correlation / Regression plotting tool
Paper review: