Alternative Energy Congratulations! You get to do a research project on alternative or renewable energy!
Alternative Energy What energy source did you choose? Why? What type of energy is being transformed?
Environmental Impact How does the alternative energy source you chose affect the environment? (Can be US or international impact) At least 3 pros/cons
Alternative Energy Make a recommendation for which type of energy to use – Focus on: Positive and negative environmental impact Environmental feasibility Economic viability
Alternative Energy Develop your product to display your learning (choose one) Design a websiteWrite a blogCompose a song or chant Print a pamphletRecord a public service announcement Print a graphic novel Design a PowerPointRecord a podcastMake a poster Write a paperWrite a letter to your parents Write a news article or editorial Write or publish a children’s story Write or publish a fictional story Make a movie Design and conduct an experiment Other: Develop a game
Energy Choices Hydroelectric Solar Wind Heat Geothermal Nuclear Coal Oil Tidal Plasma Space mining Friction
Energy Choices Solar Hydro/water Nuclear Wind Magnetic Heat Biomass Lightening Steam Coal Gasoline/petrol/oi l Kinetic/mechanic al Geothermal Natural gas Chemical
Green Energy Choices Solar – T & ET Hydroelectric Geothermal Nuclear Wind Tidal Coal Oil/petrochemical Lightening Biofuel Biomass Air compression Hydrogen power Rain Electric car – Poop car Carbon conversion
Green Energy Choices Geothermal Solar Wind Hydroelectric Steam Kinetic Biomass Tidal Electric car – Poop car Glitter must die! – A slow, painful and flammable death Something self- sustaining Nuclear Biodiesel Chemical Thermal
Green Energy Choices Wind Solar Geothermal Hydroelectric Nuclear Hydrogen Tidal Turbines Heat Steam Lightening Natural gas Gasoline/petroch emicals Sound Air