Fossil Fuels versus Alternative Fuels Starter: What do you think fossil fuels are try and write down as many uses as you can
Objectives To be able to state fossil fuels contribute to global warming and are running out. To be able give pro’s and con’s of some alternative fuels. Be able to present findings in a scientific way to the class
Today’s task In Groups of Four Research a fuel Produce a PowerPoint presentation which should include: What your fuel is Is it commonly used? And what for. Is it re-newable? Why do you think this? What are the benefits? For example: is it easy to get?, Does it produce lots of power? Is it cheap? What are the negatives? For example: does it pollute? Does it damage the environment? Extension: what products do you get when you burn the fuel do this damage the environment
Energy Type to investigate Group A: Fossil fuels (Coal, Gas, Oil, Petrol) Group B: Bio- Diesel (made from plant oils) Group C: Gasohol (Petrol and ethanol) Group D: Biomass Energy (Burning Rubbish) Group E: Hydrogen Group F: Fossil fuels (Coal, Gas, Oil, Petrol) Some websites that might be useful: disadvantages-alternative-fuels.html -disadvantages-alternative-fuels.html