Spanish KEY POINTS ABOUT American War.


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Presentation transcript:

Spanish KEY POINTS ABOUT American War

Background: Where: Philippines, Cuba (Spain’s Colonies) Who: Spain vs. America Where: Philippines, Cuba (Spain’s Colonies) In the 1800s, the USA wanted to increase its influence in Latin America by increasing the sale of American Products in the region. Americans wanted Europeans to realize that the USA was the dominant power in the region.

Spanish-American War IMPERIALISM: The forceful extension of a nation's authority by territorial “takeover”. Established economic and political domination.

What: Many of Cuba’s sugar plantations were owned by Americans American Economic Interests THE 2 W’s What: Many of Cuba’s sugar plantations were owned by Americans WHY: Americans protecting their economic interests

Sinking of the Maine in Havana Harbor 1 W and an H What: USS Maine explodes in Havana, Cuba Most Americans believe it was Spain’s fault How did it lead to war: “Spark” that started the war in 1898

Remember the Maine and to Hell with Spain! Funeral for Maine victims in Havana

Alfred T. Mahan Leading naval planner Writer of the famous book, The Influence of Sea power upon History (1890) He passionately argued that “the key to imperial power was control of the seas.”

RESULTS OF THE SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR United States emerged as a world power Cuba gained independence from Spain U.S. got possession of the Philippines, Guam, and Puerto Rico

THE PANAMA CANAL Greatly reduce travel times for trading and military ships by providing a short cut between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. The construction of the Panama Canal involved overcoming geographic obstacles such as rocky & unstable terrain & mosquito-infested swamps. “The shortcut”

Summarize The American battleship Maine blew up in a Havana harbor in 1898, started the war. Initiated U.S. propaganda “Remember the Maine” inspiring support for U.S. revenge on Spain. War ends in 1898, United States became a WORLD POWER! EXPANDED to new overseas territory Panama Canal was created. The ship had been ordered to Cuba in January to protect American lives and property from the Spanish American assumed that the Spanish had sunk the ship partly because of an inaccurate naval court report.