Twenty Year Anniversary 1989—2009 OKLAHOMA TRAILBLAZERS SKI CLUB, INC Celebrates
In Honor of the Oklahoma Trailblazers (OKTB) Ski Club The Club Officers request the Honor of Your Company in Celebration of our Twenty -Year Anniversary Saturday Evening the Fourth day of April Two Thousand and Nine In the OG&E room, 35 th Floor of the Banc One Tower The Landmark Petroleum Club of Downtown Oklahoma City Featuring: A Message of Vision from: Garry Bostick, President Homage to our own Legend Mr David Jones Includes: Plated Dinner (Vegan Dinner available upon request), Cash Bar, Entertainment
Message of Vision : “ Embracing the Future with a Shared Vision”
Oklahoma Trailblazers (OKTB) Ski Club Officers from left to right: Mr Garry Bostick (Club President), Mrs Marjorie Young (Youth Director), Ms Cynthia Dates (Secretary) and Mr Kelvin Carrington (Treasurer). Officers unavailable for photo are Mr Kenneth Jones (Vice-President) and Mrs Greta Stewart (Parliamentarian)
Club Founder Ms Alvah Boyd
Presentation from Mrs Greta Stewart, Club Parliamentarian to Ms Alvah Boyd, Club Founder
Senator Constance Johnson of District 48, Oklahoma State Senate
State Proclamation declaring April 04, 2009 as “David Jones Day” Was Presented To Guest of Honor, Club Charter Member, Mr David “Dave Jones” (Front Left) By Senator Constance Johnson (Front Right)
Club Presentation to Guest of Honor, Charter member, Mr David “Dave” Jones (Center) Presenters from left to right: Mr Garry Bostick(Club President) and Mr Kelvin Carrington (Treasurer)
Novice skier, Ms Makalay Young Potential candidate for the United States Olympics and future competitor in Winter Sports
Water and snow skier since 1996, Mr Joel Farmer Water Sports : Instructors were Mr David Jones and Mr Kelvin Carrington Snow Skiing: Instructors were Mr David Jones, refresher training provided by ski schools
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In Loving Memory of Jessica Chene” Waldron Club member since 1994
Club Sponsor