Your task: PURPOSE: Create an experiment to demonstrate the scientific method using a simple classic paper airplane.
HYPOTHESIS: When you have decided on a plan (procedure), make a prediction based on the procedure you have developed to use the paper airplane.
PROCEDURE: Materials : Notebook, ruler, paper, pen, paper. Optional: colored pencils, markers On the lab sheet you will write a detailed procedure with every step you will use for testing your airplane. You need to be sure that you write everything down so another group could repeat your experiment.
Data/Results/Observation Create a table to record the data collected. Be sure to include at least 10 trials of whatever you decide to do. You will also create a graph from the data. You will write one sentence on your lab sheet describing any patterns you see.
CONCLUSION: How does the outcome of your experiment support the hypothesis you developed? Was your prediction right or wrong. Make sure to use your results (data) to support your conclusion. How did your procedure demonstrate the Scientific Method? What did you learn?
Hints Have fun and be creative with your design. Measuring is very important in this experiment. Be sure to take accurate measurements, and include the measurement (inches or centimeters). Control the variables as much as you can. You can only be as successful as your team.