The Scientific Method is a tool that involves a series of steps that scientists follow in uncovering facts and solving scientific problems. The Scientific Method
Problem Research Hypothesis Test Results Conclusion
Problem- You ask and develop a question about what you observe that can be solved through experimentation. USE a ? Mark. What are you trying to find out? Ask the specific question the experiment is attempting to answer. At what temperature does the chirping of crickets start? Now write your own Problem (in the form of a question-don’t forget to use a ? mark. Steps of the Scientific Method
Research- Make observations and research your topic of interest. Use a variety of sources gathering as much as possible about the subject. Includes: *internet research *science journals *books *newspaper articles *interviews *videos *magazines NO WIKIPEDIA!!!! Observations: 1)Qualitative: What it is like (quality) USE WORDS 1)Quantitative: How much (Quantity) USE numbers
Hypothesis- You predict what you think the answer to your question might be. It must be stated as an if…then…because… statement. Example: If soil temperatures rise, then plant growth will increase because the soil Provides the plant with all the nutrients it needs to grow. Now write your own If…Then…Because Statement IF ________________________________ THEN _____________________________ BECAUSE ___________________________
Test – Creating an experiemnt to test whether the hypothesis is correct. Develop and follow a procedure. Include a detailed materials list. The outcome must be measurable (answered using numbers). Procedure: A numbered list of steps of what is done during the testing Materials: A list of everything that is used in the experiment
Results- Record the data (numbers) after doing the experiment. You repeat the experiment several times to confirm your results (retest). Includes (all 3): *tables *graphs *photographs
Conclusion- You state whether your prediction was confirmed or not and try to explain your results. MUST INCLUDE: (Paragraph form) A brief summary of how you did the experiment A brief summary of the results Include a statement that accepts (supports) or rejects (doesn’t support) the hypothesis. Why or Why not? A discussion of lab errors, if any Make recommendations for further study Identify possible improvements/changes to the procedure for next time.
Problem -- People Research -- Reach Hypothesis--Happily Test-- Towards Results--Ready Conclusion--Cash
Think you can name all 6 steps? Scientific Method Song: Mr. Parr
Especially for the creative learners Draw a FULL PAGE & FULLY COLORED picture in which you can label the 6 steps of the scientific method. BE CREATIVE!!