Entry Task On a piece of paper, write: “Entry Task – Barnacle Investigation”. For each day, write the date, and then write the question (1 st one below) and answer it. Also write the objective for each day. Q: Write three things you know about barnacles A: Objective: Review and understand the steps of the scientific method
Plan of the Day Review of scientific method vocabulary Review of scientific method vocabulary Barnacle lab day 1: Barnacle lab day 1:Observations Generating questions
Get a paper, and write: Get a paper, and write: –Barnacle Investigation We will be drawing and recording observations about barnacles today
What questions do you have after observing the barnacles?
Entry Task On the same paper you used for your first Entry Task yesterday, write date, the question below (2 nd ) and answer it. Also write the objective for the day each day. Q: What are some questions you have after yesterday’s barnacle observations? A: Objective: Review and understand the steps of the scientific method
Plan of the Day Review of scientific method vocabulary Review of scientific method vocabulary Barnacle lab day 2: Barnacle lab day 2: –Brainstorming questions –Selecting an investigative question –Writing a hypothesis –Writing Procedure for Investigation
Investigative question for your experiment
Entry Task rd entry task and learning objective today Q: What is the difference between the experimental control condition and a control variable A: Objective: write a procedure for your investigative question
Plan of the Day Review of scientific method vocabulary Review of scientific method vocabulary Barnacle lab day 3: Barnacle lab day 3: –Writing Procedure for Investigation
Entry Task th entry task and learning objective today Q: Write a hypothesis for this investigative question: How does the acidity level of water affect the speed of barnacle cirri beats? How does the acidity level of water affect the speed of barnacle cirri beats?A: Objective: Experimental setup, data recording, and graphing of data
Plan of the Day Review of scientific method vocabulary Review of scientific method vocabulary Barnacle lab day 4: Barnacle lab day 4: –Experiment set up –Data collection –Graphing data
Entry Task th entry task and learning objective Q: If you could repeat the barnacle experiment, what would you do different to improve accuracy of data? A: Objective: Writing a conclusion for your experiment
Plan of the Day Barnacle lab day 5: Barnacle lab day 5: –Graphing data –Writing a conclusion –Grading Lab Palumbi’s video Palumbi’s video Palumbi’s video Palumbi’s video Start Poster on Ocean Zones Start Poster on Ocean Zones
Ocean Zones Poster Join two other people in the room (find someone different than your team members for the barnacle lab) Join two other people in the room (find someone different than your team members for the barnacle lab) Decide on who will do which parts of the poster Decide on who will do which parts of the poster Include the different zones, and a short explanation for each zone Include the different zones, and a short explanation for each zone