Purpose Urgent delivery of peace dividends; Finance outstanding recovery gaps; Promote shift from Humanitarian to recovery/development in support of national accountability and ownership; Lays the foundations for sustainable development and lasting peace through capacity building and promotion of community security.
How is SRF different? Support capacity building for recovery at all levels with special emphasis on counties and communities; Focus on quick delivery and peace dividends while laying foundations for sustainable development; Emphasis on underserved areas; Address special needs of returnees, demobilized forces and other vulnerable groups; Community engagement and empowerment to manage local recovery and security;
Continued Decentralized planning, coordination and implementation; Capacity building for Southern Sudan Reconstruction and Development Fund (SSRDF) for transition in 2011; Flexible funding for activities critical to stability and peace; 18 — 36 Months flexible planning and implementation cycle; Speedy access by NGOs and UN within this longer-term planning horizon, including direct access to national NGOs. Typical Funding Level: $250,000 to $3,000,000
Proposed Recovery Framework Final framework and prioritization to be done by the SRF Steering Committee; Developed in broad consultation with partners; Based on GoSS Priority areas: Security Roads Primary Health Care Basic Education Water Production (Livelihoods)
SRF is Operational Key donors endorsed but requested a recovery strategy on which the SRF would be based. A proposed recovery framework was prepared in consultation with all parties. (December 07) MDTF and NGOs endorsed. (February 08) GoSS approved. (April 08) Administrative Agent Office established in Juba (April 08) Interim Steering Committee meets for first time (April 08) GoSS agrees to two co-chairs which would include a donor representative
Next Steps Recruitment process to be completed and Technical Secretariat (TS) established; SRF and MDTF TS to meet and propose planning and policy coordination; Interim Steering Committee to review Recovery Framework and agree on content, focus and prioritization; Allocation policy paper based on written donor pledges; TS to develop operational manual and map business processes; First round of call for proposals.
Thank you
Participation & Decision Matrix Steering Committee BSWGsTechnical Secretariat GoSS IMAC Partners Direction Policy Decision Priorities Projects Vetting Compliance Clearance Alignment Priority check Project design Implementation Reporting GoSS Donors UN Agencies World Bank NGOs/CBOs
Positioning Funding Window CHFSRF-SSMDTF-SS Phase 1 Authoritative Source of GoSS Priorities for Fund Utilization UN & Partners Annual Work Plan 3-year GoSS priorities and Recovery Framework JAM Priorities GoSS Ownership and Involvement in Decision-making MediumHigh Requirement for GoSS Counterpart Funding No Yes Funding Accessible to national/foreign NGOs Yes Yes, in principle though not easily Project Implementation Period Max. 1 year18 months – 3 years3-5 years Funding RangeVariableUS$ 0.5 – 3.0 mill.US$ multi-mill. Administrative AgentUNDP World Bank