Project Development practical procedures to practical investigations
An assignment includes activities such as essay writing, translation activities, analysis and interpretations of data, and drawing and justifying of conclusions. A project promotes the accessing of knowledge through literature research, people, texts etc. 2 Assignment and Project
Research the causes, symptoms and treatment of cancer. Would this be a suitable project for Gr 10 ? (cancer forms part of the curriculum )
How can we turn the cancer task on previous slide into a project? (Think about the ethics involved and whether this would make a good project choice at your school)
Does a project have to follow the scientific method?
What is needed in a project A good question Literature search Purpose – links question and info from lit search Data collection Data analysis Real world context Different cognitive levels Take place over a period of time Linked to curriculum
Project planning If start on environmental studies in term 1 – set project related to environmental studies. If start with molecular studies ( food tests, cells etc) set project on molecular studies Must scaffold the project – give them guidelines to follow and assess them at a number of stages before project is due in. Set by end term 1 even if only take in during course of term 3.
Eg of scaffolding Step 1 – simple procedure eg food reference tests Step 2 – structured questions relating to sci method or applying the procedure eg testing unknown foods for different food groups Step 3- carry out an investigation, apply to a real world situation eg using the results of the food tests to design a balanced diet for a school feeding scheme after conducting a survey in their community
Assessment of project Detailed, specific to the project you are doing Must give constructive feedback Must be marked during the course of the project and be allowed to correct mistakes Data collection can be done in groups Analysis and graph drawing etc should be done individually
Enzyme washing powder investigation Looked at action of enzymes at different temp. Project – how could they apply this knowledge to a real life situation. Look at effects of washing powder.
Does a project have to follow the scientific method?
It addresses Specific Aims 1 and 3; can be done in any term but recorded in 4 th term; Minimum of 100 marks 12 Projects/Assignment: Grades 10, 11 & 12
21 st Century Skills Accountability & Adaptability Communication Skills Creativity & Intellectual Curiosity Critical Thinking, Systems Thinking Information & Media Literacy Interpersonal and Collaborative Skills Problem Solving Self-Direction Social Responsibility
Critical Outcomes Problem Solving, Decision Making Collaboration Self-organisation Collect, analyse, organise & critically evaluate information Communication Effective, safe use of Science & Technology See the world as inter-related systems