The Scientific Method
What is the scientific method? It is a process that is used to find answers to questions about the world around us Is there only one “scientific method”? No, there are several versions of the scientific method. Some versions have more step, while others may have only a few. However, they all begin with the identification of a problem or a question to be answered based on observations of the world around us and provide an organized method for conduction and analyzing an experiment
The Scientific Method What is a hypothesis? It is an education guess based on observations and your knowledge of the topic. What is data? It is information gathered during an experiment
The Scientific Method Watch the following video and answer the questions below in your notebook. 1. What is an independent variable? What example did the video use? 2. What is a controlled variable? What example did the video use? 3. What is a dependent variable? What example did the video use?
The Scientific Method Create an Experiment How will you test your hypothesis? Develop a procedure for a reliable experiment and address safety rules Form a Hypothesis What do you think will happen? Predict the answer to your question or the outcome of the experiment Identify the Problem What do you want to know or explain? Use observations you have made to write a question that addresses the problem or topic you want to investigate
The Scientific Method Communicate the Results Write a conclusion that summarizes the important parts of your experiment and the results Analyze the Data Is the data reliable? Does your data and observations from the experiment support your hypothesis? Perform an Experiment Follow the steps in your procedure to perform your experiment. Record your data and observations! Is your data inaccurate or the experiment flawed? Modify the Experiment Rewrite your procedure to address the flaws in the original experiment Yes No
The Scientific Method Read the description for the experiment below and answer the questions in your notebook SpongeBob noticed that his favorite pants were not as clean as they used to be. His friend Sandy told him that he should try using Clean-O detergent, a new brand of laundry soap she found at Sail-Mart. SpongeBob made sure to wash one pair of pants in plain water and another pair in water with the Clean-O detergent. After washing both pairs of pants a total of 3 times, the pants washed in the Clean-O detergent did not appear to be any cleaner than the pants washed in plain water. What was the problem SpongeBob wanted to investigate? What is the independent variable? What is the dependent variable? What should SpongeBob’s conclusion be?