Introduction The hydrostratigraphy under complex geological control of the volcanic aquifer in the Bandung Area has not been completely understood. Therefore.


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Presentation transcript:

Introduction The hydrostratigraphy under complex geological control of the volcanic aquifer in the Bandung Area has not been completely understood. Therefore we need supporting data and analysis to estimate the behavior of groundwater. Objectives The hydrostratigraphy of volcanic aquifer system in Manglayang Mountain, Northern Bandung Area. The vertical and horizontal groundwater flow pattern in the volcanic aquifer system at Northern Bandung Area. Introduction The hydrostratigraphy under complex geological control of the volcanic aquifer in the Bandung Area has not been completely understood. Therefore we need supporting data and analysis to estimate the behavior of groundwater. Objectives The hydrostratigraphy of volcanic aquifer system in Manglayang Mountain, Northern Bandung Area. The vertical and horizontal groundwater flow pattern in the volcanic aquifer system at Northern Bandung Area. The Effect of Low Permeability Environment to Groundwater Spring Behaviour at Mount Manglayang Springs, Bandung Regency, West Java, Indonesia (HS05-A001) Applied Geology Research Group, Faculty of Earth Sciences and Technology, Insitut Teknologi Bandung Board of Development Planning West Java Province Location Conclusions Volcanic layers have local variations due to the rough initial topography and the flowing and falling mechanisms. Those variations controls the occurrences of groundwater spring in the area. The temperature and conductivity measurements has proven to be effective to predict the flow system. The hydrostratigraphical systems has local and regional groundwater flow system. Start of dry periode: low (due to excess of rainfall from wet season) End of dry periode: became higher (enrichment effect) Estimated groundwater delay time: 2-3 months Conclusions Volcanic layers have local variations due to the rough initial topography and the flowing and falling mechanisms. Those variations controls the occurrences of groundwater spring in the area. The temperature and conductivity measurements has proven to be effective to predict the flow system. The hydrostratigraphical systems has local and regional groundwater flow system. Start of dry periode: low (due to excess of rainfall from wet season) End of dry periode: became higher (enrichment effect) Estimated groundwater delay time: 2-3 months Methodology There are numerous regional-scaled researches that have been completed in the Bandung area. They need to be carefully identified and critically studied, as the groundwater flow setting has been changed through time with the increase of exploitation. This research will focus on previous researches with available raw data that can be re-analyzed and re-interpreted. The field survey stage will consist of surface geological observation on selected locations with spring and groundwater well measurement. Physical and chemical properties measurements uses portable instrument: groundwater level meter, thermometer, EC and pH meter. The survey will also take at least 30 groundwater samples on selected locations and depth based on the variation of aquifer system. Methodology There are numerous regional-scaled researches that have been completed in the Bandung area. They need to be carefully identified and critically studied, as the groundwater flow setting has been changed through time with the increase of exploitation. This research will focus on previous researches with available raw data that can be re-analyzed and re-interpreted. The field survey stage will consist of surface geological observation on selected locations with spring and groundwater well measurement. Physical and chemical properties measurements uses portable instrument: groundwater level meter, thermometer, EC and pH meter. The survey will also take at least 30 groundwater samples on selected locations and depth based on the variation of aquifer system. Dr. Dasapta Erwin Irawan; Results: 3D Reconstruction of Volcanic Layers This research was funded by: Institut Teknologi Bandung and Board of Regional Planning and Development, West Java Province Results: Selected Examples of Detailed Geological Maps Results: Selected Examples of Detailed Geological Maps For more informations: Research Contributions It displays the importance in-direct methods, as the future of hydrogeological mapping in Indonesia. It supports the authorities with updated state of groundwater in the area and shows the crucial point of detail mapping in one of the stages in water and land conservation program (scale 1:12,500 or more). Detail mapping portrays the local variations that could be deviated from general understanding. Research Contributions It displays the importance in-direct methods, as the future of hydrogeological mapping in Indonesia. It supports the authorities with updated state of groundwater in the area and shows the crucial point of detail mapping in one of the stages in water and land conservation program (scale 1:12,500 or more). Detail mapping portrays the local variations that could be deviated from general understanding. Results: Physical-Chemical Groundwater Properties Authors: Dasapta Erwin IRAWAN, Cut Novianti RACHMI, Ahmad DARUL, Krisponda PRESENTED IN: CONTRIBUTORS: Rachmat Arif Jaka S. Budiman A. Lukman Zidni I. Muntaha T. Cahyadi M.R. Ramadhan M. Fajar Sodiq Tyka Puspita