The Value Add of MOW Services Linda Netterville, MA, RD, LD Project Director, NRCNA
Session Overview Who is the Customer? What are the Products? What is the Value? How do you Compete?
The Changing Healthcare Market Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 Triple Aim ▫ Better care ▫ Healthier people ▫ Smarter spending
What are the opportunities? Integrated Care Opportunities Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) Community- Base Care Transition Programs (CCTP) Duals Financial Alignment Initiative State Innovation Models (SIM) Medicaid Managed LTSS (MLTSS) Health Homes
Role of Nutrition Services in Healthcare Market
What are your products or services?
Inventory Your Capabilities Meals ▫ Special or therapeutic meals disease specific ▫ Modified texture (pureed, ground) ▫ Choice ▫ Service options (hot, frozen, chilled)
Inventory Your Capabilities Nutrition Counseling Medical Nutrition Therapy ▫ Have diabetes ▫ Have kidney disease ▫ Have had a kidney transplant in the last 36 months Medical Nutrition Supplements Congregate program health and wellness activities
Inventory Your Capabilities In-home Assessments Daily/regular consumer contact ▫ Wellness or safety check ▫ Medication monitoring ▫ Lay care coordination Transportation
What is the Value?
Role of Nutrition Services Value of Nutrition to Chronic Health Conditions Heart disease Hypertension Diabetes Osteoporosis Kidney disease Obesity
Role of Nutrition Services Value Add Wellness/Safety Check Regular contact in the home Trusted in the home Client status (moved, hospital, nursing home) Perform Regular In-home Assessments
Key Findings-More Than a Meal Study Those receiving home-delivered meals: ▫ Improvements Anxiety Self-rated health Isolation Loneliness Reduced rates of: ▫ Hospitalizations ▫ Falls
Articulate your value/business case –Communicating your services and value clearly and consistently –How does what you can offer meet your customer’s needs or solve their problems?
Advantages for Nutrition Programs Valued added service Service and delivery structure in place ▫ Routing ▫ In-Home Assessment Trusted entity with long history of success Linked to other community-based service Community partnerships
Managing Chronic Health Conditions Meals Counseling Education Wellness or safety check Evidenced-based Programs ▫ Chronic Disease Self Management ▫ Diabetes Self Management
Activating Consumers Congregate program activities Evidenced-based care transitions Chronic disease self-management Employment related supports Caregiver supports
Diversion/Avoiding Long-term Residential Support Transitions for nursing facility to home/community ▫ Home-delivered meals ▫ Delivery enhancements Person-centered planning Caregiver support
Preventing Hospital Admission/Readmissions Meals Nutrition counseling Client contact/In-home assessments ▫ Home risk assessment ▫ Home modifications Evidenced-based care transitions Care coordination Medical transportation Falls prevention
Understand the Market –Existing and changing –What do your customers want? –What are your program’s strengths (and weaknesses)? –Who are your competitors?
How Can You Compete? Organizational culture change Service packages ▫ Pricing ▫ Meal packages ▫ Service packages Marketing and sales
How Can You Compete? Communication and negotiation techniques Addressing program capacity challenges ▫ Start up ▫ Staffing ▫ Equipment ▫ Volunteers/drivers Continuous quality improvement Risk management Information technology (IT) system
The Role of Nutrition Services Building the Bridge Healthcare HCBS Nutrition Services
We have to get it right!
Resources: Recorded NRCNA Webinars—Positioning Your HCBS Program in the Healthcare Market Webinar Series ▫ Part 1: Overview of Health Reform Initiatives - How this Affects Your Organization and Terminology 101 ▫ Part 2: Market Analysis - Determine Health Reform Initiatives in Your Market Area ▫ Part 3: Network Collaboration - The Need for Collaboration ▫ Part 4: Developing a Strategy and a Business Model for Your Organization ▫ Part 5: Positioning Your HCBS Program in the Healthcare Market
Resources: More That a Meal Study resources/more-than-a-meal