Media Production One Close-Up Extreme Close-Up Medium Shot Wide Shot Extreme Wide Shot High Angle Low Angle Over-the-Shoulder POV Pan Tilt
Displays detail, facial expressions, and emotion.
Exaggerates or emphasizes a particular detail. A highly stylized shot. An extreme close-up should not linger on screen too long. It is always best to avoid cutting off the chin when composing and extreme close-up.
When shooting a person, a medium shot typically cuts the subject off just below the chest.
Medium shots are the best way to frame news reporters and interviewees. The extra space at the bottom allows room for an identifier (the title that lists the subject’s name).
A shot, taken from some distance, that unusually shows the subject as well as its surroundings. Wide shots orient the viewer to the space within the scene.
Similar to a typical wide shot, but much wider.
High angle shots make the subject appear inferior. Even a subtle high angle can subliminally indicate the vulnerability of the subject.
Low angle shots make the subject appear superior. Even a subtle low angle can subliminally indicate the power of the subject.
Even a subtle low angle can subliminally indicate the power of the subject.
Over-the-shoulder shots provide the viewer with a frame of reference within the scene.
The camera “becomes” the character, offering the viewer a unique perspective of the scene. This angle often works best when a close-up of the actors face or eyes is displayed prior to the POV shot.
Too much headroom makes the actor look awkward and your shot unprofessional. The camera should tilt down to remove this space.
It is important to allow a blank area of the screen for the actor to look or walk into. Otherwise, it just appears as if the actor is looking at the corner of the screen and not a person or object the video’s reality. Lead room is especially important when shooting sports events or other activities that involve a lot of movement.
It is important to allow a blank area of the screen for the actor to look into. Otherwise, it just appears as if the actor is looking at the corner of the screen and not a person or object the video’s reality. The actor’s head should fill this space to allow for lead-room or look- room.
Pans are horizontal camera movements. PAN RIGHT PAN LEFT
Tilts are vertical camera movements. TILTDOWN TILT UP