Graphs of Motion Physics Ms. Allison
General Graphing Rules Title Label x and y axis with units - Dependent variable is on the y-axis; independent is on the x-axis. - SI unit included in parentheses Scaling Zero Origin Scatter Plot Data Interpret data
Title- Distance vs. Time
Label Axis
Scaling and Zero Origin
Scatter Plot Data
Interpret Data Slope of a Distance vs. Time graph represents... -Velocity In the distance vs. time graph, the diagonal line represents -A Constant Velocity
Interpret Data Slope of a Distance vs. Time graph represents... -Velocity In the distance vs. time graph, the diagonal line represents -A Constant Velocity
Review HW For each graph created for homework, go back to be sure you have all parts of a “good graph” Then compare your graphs to the answer key Ask your group or the teacher questions to clarify confusion about interpreting the graphs.
Interpret Data Slope of a Velocity vs. Time graph represents... -Acceleration In the velocity vs. time graph, the horizontal line represents -Zero acceleration
Interpret Data- Car #2 Slope of a Distance vs. Time graph represents... -Velocity In the distance vs. time graph, the curved points represents -A Changing Velocity
Interpret Data- Car #2 Slope of a Velocity vs. Time graph represents... -Acceleration In the velocity vs. time graph, the diagonal line represents -Constant acceleration