With the financial support of the European Union Prague, November 5, 2015 Social investment and social entrepreneurship – opportunity or challenge for financial players.
1.What is out there in Europe? Funding and growth opportunities for social investment and social entrepreneurship. 2.What does it take to be socially responsible? Can MFIs be social enterprises themselves and why it makes sense? 3.MFIs supporting social enterprises and social entrepreneurship. How to make it happen and lessons learnt. 4.Q & A. Workshop. a)What does your company need to become social enterprise? b)What does your company need to offer supporting to social enterprises/social entrepreneurship? Flow of the panel
Introduction to VP / Social Investment Venture Philanthropy/Social Investment: societal impact. building strong impact-centric organizations; it is high-engagement, and long-term. providing financial and non-financial support, demands a holistic view, and includes social impact tools spanning from grant-giving to investing. It is about matching the soul of philanthropy with the spirit of investing
VP/SI Spectrum: Definitions
EVPA is a membership association made up of organisations interested in or practicing venture philanthropy and social investment (VP/SI) across Europe. EVPA currently gathers over 200 members from 28 countries. We combine philanthropy and investment for social change. Objectives Co-creating ecosystem for social change. Increasing the effectiveness of VP/SI practitioners in Europe. Increasing the resources dedicated to VP/SI in Europe. Introduction to EVPA / Our organisation
Geographic focus of VPOs by € spend in 2014 Countries attracting most funding
Introduction to EVPA / Our membership Service providers Financial institutions Other associations Academic institutions Foundations Impact investing finance first Private Equity firms VP/SI organisations
EVPA Annual Conference 2015 Registration is open!!!
Economic crisis in Europe; loss in GDP and the rise in public debt; industrial production dropped to the levels of 1990s; Unemployment crisis. EU members states – 11%*; non-EU member states – Bosnia 63%, Central Asia countries 10% – 20% (among women 12% - 24%)** The gap between highest and the lowest job rates historically high: i.e. Greece – 25,2%; Spain – 22,2%; Germany – 4,5%. Women employment. Only 63% of women in productive age have paid work compared to 76% men. Demographics ageing is accelerating. Number of people over 60 is now increasing twice as fast as before In Europe only 46% of older workers (55-64) are employed (in US and Japan 62%). Need for finding responses to climate change and dwindling of natural resources. Challenges old and new * **
EU-level targets for % of the population aged 20 – 64 should be employed. 3% of the Eus GDP should be invested in research and development. Greenhouse emissions should be 20% lower then in 1990; 20% should come from renewales, and energy efficiency should be increased by 20%. The rate of early school leavers should drop under 10%; at least 40% of years olds should complete tertiary education. At least 20 milion fewer people should be in or at risk of poverty and social exclusion. Europe 2020* *
17 Sustainable Development Goals 2030* successor of MDGs *
A social enterprise* is an operator in the social economy whose main objective is to have a social impact rather than make a profit for their owners or shareholders. It operates by providing goods and services for the market in an entrepreneurial and innovative fashion and uses its profits primarily to achieve social objectives. It is managed in an open and responsible manner and, in particular, involve employees, consumers and stakeholders affected by its commercial activities. What is social enterprise? *terms Social Business and Social Enterprise are equivalent. Social enterprise covers following type of business: those for which the social or societal objective of the common good is the reason for the commercial activity, often in the form of a high level of social innovation, those where profits are mainly reinvested with a view to achieving this social objective, and where the method of organisation or ownership system reflects their mission, using democratic or participatory principles or focusing on social justice.
What is social entrepreneurship? Social entrepreneurship – a field/concept where social enterprises are operating, with the predominance of social mission, its innovation and revenue model.