A.P. English Language and Composition Mr. Alford
Course Overview/ Description Focus on American literature and historic documents, speeches, etc. Focus on American literature and historic documents, speeches, etc. Intensive preparation for the Advanced Placement English Language and Composition Exam. Intensive preparation for the Advanced Placement English Language and Composition Exam. Examining non-fiction, fiction, drama, and poetry with an emphasis on non-fiction Examining non-fiction, fiction, drama, and poetry with an emphasis on non-fiction
Course Overview/ Description Focus on rhetoric through the practice of close reading and frequent writing activities. Focus on rhetoric through the practice of close reading and frequent writing activities. Independent research and reading Independent research and reading College-level experiences in language, writing, research, and literature study. College-level experiences in language, writing, research, and literature study.
Major Works: The Scarlet Letter - Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter - Nathaniel Hawthorne The Autobiography of Frederick Douglass The Autobiography of Frederick Douglass The Great Gatsby – F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby – F. Scott Fitzgerald Death of a Salesman – Arthur Miller Death of a Salesman – Arthur Miller Their Eyes Were Watching God- Zora Neale Hurston Their Eyes Were Watching God- Zora Neale Hurston Catcher in the Rye- J.D. Salinger Catcher in the Rye- J.D. Salinger
Independent Reading Students will be expected to select and read independently a work of American literature approved by the teacher each quarter. Students will be expected to select and read independently a work of American literature approved by the teacher each quarter. One of these readings will be part of our Banned Book Research Project One of these readings will be part of our Banned Book Research Project
Writing Instruction Three types of timed essays required on the AP exam: Three types of timed essays required on the AP exam: rhetorical analysis rhetorical analysis argumentation argumentation synthesis synthesis Research papers Research papers Thematic creative assignments Thematic creative assignments Collaborative projects Collaborative projects Source book Source book Focus on revision Focus on revision
Banned Book Research project Designed to help students master the skills needed to research and compose a formal paper independently. Designed to help students master the skills needed to research and compose a formal paper independently. Integrates historical and sociological research with literary criticism to argue a position relating to banned book Integrates historical and sociological research with literary criticism to argue a position relating to banned book
Technology Integration Students will participate in a number of assignments using class wiki including: Students will participate in a number of assignments using class wiki including: Literature discussion boards Literature discussion boards Collaborative writing projects Collaborative writing projects Research Research Multi-media presentations Multi-media presentations Online research: evaluating sources Online research: evaluating sources
Expectations To be motivated learners To be motivated learners To read independently To read independently To complete assignments on time To complete assignments on time To take responsibility for pacing work and completing long range assignments To take responsibility for pacing work and completing long range assignments To participate actively in class To participate actively in class To ask for assistance if needed To ask for assistance if needed
Contact Information Website: Website: I am available most mornings and afternoons for extra help or conferences. I am available most mornings and afternoons for extra help or conferences.
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