What’s the tallest structure you’ve ever seen in person? What stands out to you about structures like this?
Amazingly, the art of tower building dates back to Genesis 11. In today’s lesson we will see why the descendants of Noah set out to build an impressive tower, and what God did in response.
A Monument to Human Pride Genesis 11:1-9 family theme: God scattered the people. family theme: God scattered the people.
The Heart of Man Is Self-Serving Genesis 11:1-4
The Heart of Man Is Self-Serving Noah’s descendants were commanded to spread out and fill the earth (Genesis 9:1, 7). As chapter 11 opens, however, a significant portion had not done so.
The Heart of Man Is Self-Serving They desired to make a name for themselves by building a great city and a tower that would reach to the heavens. This was open rebellion against God and a declaration of their independence from Him.
Rather than seeking selfish desires and plans, we can channel our talent, desire for accomplishment, and hard work to coordinate with God’s Word and His plans for our lives. Matthew 6:33 tells us to seek first God’s kingdom and righteousness. What do we see in these verses that indicate the descendants of Noah were seeking their own kingdom?
Rather than seeking selfish desires and plans, we can channel our talent, desire for accomplishment, and hard work to coordinate with God’s Word and His plans for our lives. What spiritual gifts, abilities, or skills could you use to help extend God’s kingdom rather than your own?
God’s Approach May Seem Chaotic Genesis 11:5-7
Genesis 11:7 illustrates that even though God is a spiritual being and far above us, He is active in the lives of His creation. As a father corrects a wayward child, God cares for His children.
God’s Approach May Seem Chaotic God’s response stands in contrast to the people’s systematic, organized undertaking. God can even use disorder and things that are troubling to us to bring about His will.
Sometimes the tempests in our lives may be God blowing us back on course. What trials or difficulties has God used in your personal life to “get you back on track”? What advice would you give to those going through trying times right now?
God’s Will Is Non-Negotiable Genesis 11:8-9
God’s Will Is Non-Negotiable God’s sovereign will is non-negotiable. What the people did not do in obedience, God did for them in corrective discipline.
God’s response to the descendants of Noah demonstrates that He is the sovereign Lord of all. Even though He allows people to make their own choices, He will bring to pass His sovereign will.
We can take comfort in knowing that God’s plans will come to pass. What promise of God gives you great encouragement as you face life today? What would you say to the believer that is disheartened or discouraged by the accusations and questions that arise from the world regarding his or her faith?
What does it look like for us to seek God’s kingdom and will ahead of our own? In what way could you demonstrate your love for God by seeking His will above your own this week?
In what ways are you presently using your time, gifts, and abilities to serve God and bring Him glory? If you are not presently using your time, gifts, or abilities to serve God, what steps could you take to get started?
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FUSION provides a daily Bible reading schedule, devotional thoughts, and insightful questions designed to help adults apply and respond throughout the week to the lesson learned on Sunday.
FUSIONext provides a daily Bible reading, devotional thought, and insightful questions designed to help adults with grown children, empty-nesters, and mentors reinforce the lesson throughout the week as they follow Christ and promote generational discipleship.