Story Selection Core Stories And Story Lists
The Story of the Bible The Story of the Bible –A compiled story of how God’s Word was written down at God’s instruction to prophets and other writers; what God’s Word says about itself
Characteristics of God Characteristics of God –Introductory overview of the relevant characteristics of God which will be explored in following stories
Creation of Spirit World Creation of Spirit World –Origin of angels, Satan and evil spirits; God is sovereign over the spirit world as its creator
Creation of Physical World Creation of Physical World –Six days of creation with focus on creation of the physical world but including the general reference to man and woman
Creation of Man and Woman Creation of Man and Woman –Separate creation stories first of man and God’s commandment to him, and then of woman as a companion to man
Disobedience of Adam and Eve Disobedience of Adam and Eve –Story of temptation of Eve by Satan, disobedience by both man and woman, God’s judgment of all three
Noah—Judgment of Sinful World Noah—Judgment of Sinful World –Wide spread of sin and God’s judgment of whole earth; God’s grace to Noah and his family, Noah’s obedience to God; God’s judgment is inescapable without God’s help
God’s Call & Promises to Abraham God’s Call & Promises to Abraham –Call to leave his people and come to a land God would show him; promise of great blessing and that his descendant would be a blessing to all peoples; God’s promise of a son
The Substitute Sacrifice The Substitute Sacrifice –God’s grace in giving a son to Abraham in fulfillment of promise; God’s testing Abraham but providing a substitute sacrifice
The Passover The Passover –God is sovereign, his will must be obeyed; God’s judgment upon the disobedience of Egypt; God’s people spared by the sign of blood
God’s Holy Law to Define Sin God’s Holy Law to Define Sin –God gives his holy Law to define sin and the relationship man must have with God and fellow man
The Sacrifice for Sin The Sacrifice for Sin –The blood sacrifice—the blood of the innocent shed for the sin of the guilty; a priest or mediator was to intercede
The Prophets’ Message I— Warning of Coming Judgment for Sin The Prophets’ Message I— Warning of Coming Judgment for Sin –Elijah, Jonah, Jeremiah
The Prophets’ Message II— Promised of an Anointed One to Suffer for Our Sin The Prophets’ Message II— Promised of an Anointed One to Suffer for Our Sin –Suffering Servant, king, priest, prophet
Birth of Jesus According to Prophecy Birth of Jesus According to Prophecy –Luke and Matthew story
Baptism of Jesus & Testing by Satan Baptism of Jesus & Testing by Satan –Testimony of God, Holy Spirit and John at baptism –Standing on God’s Word when tested by Satan
Jesus and Nicodemus—You Must be Born Again Jesus and Nicodemus—You Must be Born Again –The new birth of the Spirit
Jesus & Samaritan Woman— Living Water of Salvation Jesus & Samaritan Woman— Living Water of Salvation –Jesus’ other reference to drink of living water—John 7:37ff
Jesus Taught as One Having Great Authority Jesus Taught as One Having Great Authority –Sermon on Mount, Sower and Seeds, Kingdom Parables –Authority came from God— These words are not my own…
Jesus Has Authority to Forgive Sin Jesus Has Authority to Forgive Sin –Paralyzed man & 4 friends, or Woman who anointed feet of Jesus
Jesus Has Authority to Heal and Restore Bodies Jesus Has Authority to Heal and Restore Bodies –Lepers, woman with issue of blood, Man with withered limb, blind, deaf, lame man by pool of Siloam
Jesus is Lord of Nature Jesus is Lord of Nature –Calming the storm, walking on the water, or feeding the multitude
Jesus has Authority Over the Spirit World Jesus has Authority Over the Spirit World –Rebuking spirit in synagogue, boy with evil spirit, woman bound by Satan, Syro- Phoenician woman’s daughter, Gadarene demoniac
Jesus is the Resurrection & the Life Jesus is the Resurrection & the Life –Lazarus, Jairus’ daughter, widow’s son
Parable of Prodigal Son Parable of Prodigal Son –A picture of repentance, forgiveness and restoration, warning to those who refuse to forgive
Danger of Refusing God’s Invitation Danger of Refusing God’s Invitation –Lazarus & Rich Man –Parable of Wedding Banquet
Jesus Warned His Disciples What Would Happen To Him Jesus Warned His Disciples What Would Happen To Him –Warnings in Mark , but the disciples did not understand and were afraid to ask him
Who is Jesus?—Testimony of Peter, others Who is Jesus?—Testimony of Peter, others –Composite story of testimonies—angel’s, wise men’s, John’s, Simeon, evil spirits, people, Peter’s
The Last Supper The Last Supper –My body given for you, my blood shed for remission of sin –Serve one another –Promise to prepare a place for us and return for us
Trials, Crucifixion, Decisions for and Against Jesus Trials, Crucifixion, Decisions for and Against Jesus –Are you the Son of God? –Are you then a king? –Condemned to death –Words of two criminals –Words of Centurion
Resurrection Stories Resurrection Stories –Women at tomb –Peter & John –Mary Magdalene –Disciples on Emmaus Road –Thomas
Ascension Ascension –Commissioning to make disciples –Wait for the Spirit –This same Jesus will return in the same way…
Return of Jesus Promised Return of Jesus Promised –Discourse (Luke 17) & Parables of the return
Judgment of Unbelievers and Punishment of Satan Judgment of Unbelievers and Punishment of Satan
Blessed State of Believers Blessed State of Believers